would anybody be interested in trading perennials for named

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

dl's or iris? or daffodils.

i need baptisia, candy lilies, kniphofia, sedum, gaillardia, certain carnations, mums, shrubs but try to make them native, any sun loving, drought loving plant that still looks good in july/aug. would do. i don't want weeds or undesirables unless it's a really cool weed. plants that birds or rabbits like, certain vines, plants that can be trampled and still reseed or return. send me your ideas. i won't know till fall what i will have daylily wise but i have some pretty good ones out there. prob. only one fan of whatever i offer. if you are a southerner then fall is better anyway. and if you're a northerner i can either send now or hold till next spring. you choose. baby plants will do if you know how to get them to me alive. mature plants or decent sized are preferred unless it's something really cool. has to be hardy to zone 8 and drought tolerant plants will be given higher priority. they also have to tolerate lots of heat for months at a time.

i need some climbing roses as well. looking for a yellow one for the south. also looking for other yellow roses. old blush rose. and i have another name or two i can drop.

need jungley types of plants. tall plants and short ones. even if it's a common plant let me know. except monarda. can't seem to grow that down here. and you can keep all those pulmonaria and heuchera and hosta.........unless you know of one that likes texas and can educate me. no hydrangea either. lol.

would love certain thalictrums. coreopsis. salvia. agarita. black mimosa. peach trees esp. ones known to do well in texas. sunflower seeds, zinnia or poppy seed or other easy from seed plants. i need some corn seeds. pumpkin seeds.

i am only trading dl's and iris. and i can offer named daffodils as well. before we trade we can both agree on the value of our offerings to make it a fair trade for both of us.

so lmk if anyone is interested and i'll get a list to you as soon as i can. barb i will prob. post this over on the plant trading forum or dl forum if there is no interest.

Kannapolis, NC

Mamajack: I can send you baptisia seed pods for sowing and you don't need to send me anything. If I gather seeds from my salvias, I'll send some of those, too. I have Black and Blue, Hot Lips, Maraschino Cherry and Salvia viridis `Palisades' but I haven't yet begun to harvest the seeds.


DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

I've got candy lily seedlings started that I can share. Some Sedum, & Shrubs.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

hemophobic, sure i'll take those seeds. got any zinnia seed you don't need? sunflowers? i am one greedy girl. tell everybody you know to send me free seeds. it's going to be another mass sowing. i just love doing that to see what comes up. hehehe let's see how many people do it. i guess 5. yall guess a number too. i know i am depraved but i am the only one like me on daves, ain't i?

and cannagirl, what color are yours? i'm sure i'm going to want them. i just love that little ol bloom. ain;t it sweet? what kind of shrubs? hardy to zone 8 shrubs? anything that the birds and bees love? i am trying to plan the GREAT FALL MOVE in greater fate. hope to have tractors and men that will work. big plans. just trying to wrest the money away from the kids so i can do WHAT I WANT. i need plants that'll just laugh at texas in july and august.

hemo........let me send you something. i tried to be totally selfish and it would have worked but i thought of my grandma who tried teaching me how to be a belle and so to keep all that from being a total waste..........

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Barb, all the shrubs are hardy to zone 8. I'll email you in the morning with a list.

Kannapolis, NC

Mamaj: I'll get those seeds gathered and dried and send them on. I'll let you know when they go in the mail. Some of the dahlia seeds I gathered last week have molded, despite my best efforts to keep them dry. The Baptisia, platycodon and salvia should be easier.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

a platycodon? did you send that? is that that little cute blue flowered thing? i would love to see that next spring.

angie what can i send you?

Kannapolis, NC

Mamaj: I haven't sent anything yet. I've got to harvest some more Platycodon and salvia, plus get the Baptisia next weekend when I go back to Asheville. I'll send you a D-mail when I get them in the mail to you. Check out the Platycodon here on the plant files.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

air right. north carolina? you want a dl or an iris?

Kannapolis, NC

Mamaj: Please don't send anything right now. DH has just had surgery and we have too much going on this fall for me to possibly get anything planted. I still have plants in pots on the patio waiting to go in the ground and I'm trying to pace myself. Maybe next spring you can send something. Okay? Thank you so much for offering, though.


Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

Mamajack, I have a lot of fresh Gailardia seeds. You can have them for postage, if you want.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i'd take them but don't know when i would get a bubble mailer off to you. thinking i might close this thread as i am involved in a co-op right now and also helping 2 little ol ladies move. no time to think.

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