Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I don't really have a favorite Pelle, I just have more of them (at least 20 today) and some stay here year round. They get used to me standing close by with the camera.

Joshua, TX

I love the rufous hummer. I really do wish that I could see one, one day. I love that rusty color they have. They are the most beautiful hummingbirds to me! Very nice pictures everyone. I really enjoy looking at them, they are always interesting and beautiful.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I agree with you Teresa, the Rufous is a beautiful bird. Their bright color really pops out in photos.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

One of my Anna's males.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

These birds just love all the water fountains, especially just as the sun comes up in the morning.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Even though I have a pond, I've been searching for a fountain like yours, Duc. I know it is a garage sale find, but still can't find anything on the web! So cute that they love it.

Marlton, NJ

Excellent pics duc!!! They are adorable!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

We had a houseguest recently that has never been around hummingbirds. I had to show him how our hummers love the sugar water when we put it in a jar lid.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Next I had my hubbie show him how we can just stick our finger next to the perch and the birds will land on it to feed. This is the easiest at the times you're refilling the feeder and just put it out for the hummers.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Joshua, TX

ohh, that has just got to be awesome! If I could get my hummers to do that, that's probably all I would want to do. Oh my goodness, that would be a dream. Love the pictures duc. How exciting!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

You should try it Teresa, it really is easy once the birds get used to you standing close to photograph them.

Joshua, TX

well, I may just do that. I think it would be one of the best experiences to have and remember. How exciting it would be if they would do it.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

This is something I tagged a while ago, because I was just amazed.


Joshua, TX

That really is something! I had my baby hummer drink from the feeder one day when I was putting it up, but when I blinked it flew off. I have tried to get them to feed from the hand held feeder and they just don't seem to care for it. I will try to get them to feed like yours though duc. The baby male has gotten bigger now, and he has always been very very curious of me for some reason. There has been several times he has just flew right up in front of my face and just look at me... when he gets too close though it kinda scares me. I'm afraid he's gonna try to stick his beak in my nose or in my ears. Sounds funny but that seems to be what he's checking out when he's in my face.??? Maybe he's just trying to figure me out, and not where he can get nectar from.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Don't wear read lipstick. ;-)

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

I think you might be interested in participating in this study. It is mostly for students, but anyone is welcome and it is very interesting. I watched the "journey North" and will be participating in the "journey South" as well.:

Seeing Hummingbirds? Let Us Know!
Please report your observations this fall as hummingbirds prepare to
migrate, and as they travel to their wintering grounds. With your help,
we'll make a migration map to show where hummingbirds are present from
August through December.

What kind of observations should you report?
* If you see hummingbirds any time, let us know!
* Report as frequently as you like, as long as hummingbirds are present.
* You may watch for and report the last date you see a male hummingbird,
a female and/or juvenile.
* You may report observations of any hummingbird species.

Report Your Sightings Here:


Marlton, NJ

That is a good idea! Thanks for posting it PNW!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I started reporting my sightings on that site last year and think it's great. Just be aware you're going to get lots of emails from them.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

This one was happy.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

This Anna's male was coming at me.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

A small group.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

One of my Rufous'.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Marlton, NJ

Gorgeous shots duc!

Klamath River, CA

A rufous............hummer activity very slow.....don't know if it's the hot weather or the time of year.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Cute ones Adel. Funny, your activity is slowing down and mine is growing every day. I'm certain I'm over 30 now and it's been 99 every day. Seems like the Anna's are just now getting their red colors, but the Rufous are all still very young. I'm sure they'll be heading your way soon-especially with the price of sugar rising every day it seems.

Santa Fe, NM

I just found this thread and loved the great pictures! I've been enjoying our Rocky Mountain hummingbirds all summer. I've had Broadtails, Black-Headed, Rufous and this year what I think is Caliope. It would be way east of it's range. Came through in July. Can't find a picture right now but posted one on Rocky Mt. Forum hummingbird thread at the time.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

oo, pictures roybird? We hadn't seen too many of the broadtails and black-chinned!

PERTH, Australia

Fabulous photos, duc.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Glad to hear you had a Calliope roybird! I enjoy my one pair every year when they arrive in the spring, but they just stay a few weeks. I was happy to see one Black-chinned a couple months ago too. My friend in southeastern Arizona has just gotten her first Calliope too. I guess the hummers are really spreading out now.

Some of my Anna's

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

A Rufous.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Sorry, I already posted that first one-my mistake.

Here's another Rufous

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Santa Fe, NM

Great pictures, Ducbucin. I am attending a workshop this week end so will probably not get in to pictures for awhile yet. Just love seeing all the hummers!

Marlton, NJ

Great pics duc and adel!

Santa Fe, NM

I went through my hummingbird pics and could only find one of the black-chinned and not a very good one. The photos here are great! I'm still sorting and trying to catch up. We now seem to have Rufous back again here.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I liked these two photos of a Rufous that I took yesterday.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Another one

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

This poor little Anna's hummer looked like it had been in a battlefield. I think it may have been molting, but not sure.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Santa Fe, NM

Oh, those are excellent pictures! Here is my attempt to get a shot of a black-chinned hummer, I think. Black chinned and Broadtailed are the most common ones in my area. Although I see many Rufous, too. This morning a Black chinned male was run off by a Rufous female. That's what it looked like, anyway. Not a bird expert. Just trying to familiarize myself with the locals.

Thumbnail by roybird
Santa Fe, NM

Here is the other picture. Maybe not too good. Hand held, both.

Thumbnail by roybird

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