CLOSED: Picotee blue double morning glory

HI all, I receintly purchased some of these double blue/white morning glory seeds from someone from DG and couldn't believe how beautiful the picture was of the bloom. This first picture is what I was told they would look like. Talk about photoshopped!... Well here is the bloom that I got. Next picture is the same seed planted and grown and bloomed.

Thumbnail by mekos

Here is the actual bloom that I have been waiting so long for. DOES THIS picture LOOK anything like the first one to you?

Thumbnail by mekos

Here is one more. I was so disappointed to see this tiny little bloom after waiting for so long and expecting the other one. MAN!

Thumbnail by mekos
Aurora, IL

I would be, too!

Perhaps you should try to contact who you purchased from and see what they say!

Shepherdsville, KY

Mekos, When I saw this same pic I wanted it.... Wow that is disappointing! They look so tiny.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Yes, you need to get back to the person you bought those from. It looks like they collected seeds from a plant that was crossed with another. It's called open pollination. The color is ALL wrong as well.

And you are right about the original picture, the closest I ever came from getting something that looked like the picture they use is the one below. Also the Blue Picotee does not throw out doubles consistently. Usually they are singles and you get a double from time to time.

For future reference, when you buy seeds from someone or trade with someone ask them if they were open pollination, meaning they were pollinated by, insects or wind. Of if they are purebreds, pollinated by hand or had no other types of morning glory around it.

I hope you didn't pay very much for them.

Thumbnail by Xeramtheum

I won't tell how stupid I was but I'm learning. I was even going to buy more later while I was waiting for mine to bloom so I could send them to my sisters who loved the picture too. Glad I didn't get any more, she had sold all the rest she had. I guess I wasn't the only dummy in the garden club.There is more out there with these tiny blue dots. Does ANYONE have the real thing for a seed trade?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

That picture is a lie. Your chance of getting one that looks like the picture is probably a trillion to one. Did you ask if they were open pollination?


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

X, what ever the pic you posted is.. its gorgeous!!!

Mekos- I was going to order those as well, glad I didnt. I kinda had a hard time believing that the flower would actually look like that, I'm glad i stuck with my intuition. rarely does any flower (with few exceptions) EVER look like the perfectly colored (and highly tinkered with) catalog pic. Take Sunflower 'velvet Queen' for example; the color pics on websites show a gorgeous deep red, velvety color, but in reality, its more a rusty orange to golden yellow. another reason why i read the plantfiles notes before i purchase

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

That picture of the one that enticed you has been around forever, at least 10 years .. the flower in the picture I took was a fluke, a mutant .. When I first bought the seeds, about 10 years ago I just happened to luck into a strain that throws mutants. I grow some out every 2 year just to have seeds. Didn't grow any this year.

Here is another flower from the same strain. The picture I took is the great grandmother of the picture below.


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Forgot to add the pix.

Thumbnail by Xeramtheum

X, I didn't ask any questions about pollenating, didn't know anything about it. Just loved the picture. I had never seen or heard of anything like this before. I just joined this garden club a couple months ago and it's all new to me, I was raised out in the country, where you trust people and take them at their word. After I got the seeds on the way, I did go back and d-mail to ask about getting more she was advertising for sale, and I asked at that time if they really were like the picture and that pretty blue color, but she never answered me. I never got a response, so just figured I'd save some seeds when mine bloomed. And now it has. It is kinda pretty, but certainly NOT what I thought it was going to be.

X, yours is beautiful.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks. This is the flower you usually get with the Blue Picotee. As I said, doubling is not the norm.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

yeah, certainly not anymore impressive than your average MG, thats for sure... kinda looks like most blue - dk blue and therefore, a bigger chance of being passed over int he seed catalog. BUT, that pic (both of them) that you posted are simply beautiful

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

The big problem with seeds is that people just don't understand about crosses. It's so important let people know if the seeds you are offering are open pollinated. I'm kind of guilty of that myself, but I definitely will include in any description if it's hand pollinated, sequestered and purebred.

I had a bad experience with Sunflowers last year .. thought I was getting Teddy Bear and I'm sure the seeds came from a Teddy Bear flower, but they had obviously been cross pollinated with something else because they turned out red with single petals. Only one out of the 20 I had grown had the Teddy Bear attributes.


I went back and found the d-mail where I got the seed in the mail and sent to tell her it came and asked if she had grown them and if they really looked like the picture. Where she never answered me, and sent her a photo of what it turned out to be. I'm sure she won't care, but I wanted her to know it wasn't what she advertised and showed her what it did look like. Maybe she was new also and really didn't know about the pollenation thing. I didn't know to ask, I just assumed, maybe she did too. I'd like to believe that anyway.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

May I ask who you bought them from?



Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I noticed. Lol.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok, o the subject of pollination.. can Salvias cross pollinate with each other? i have 3 varieties growing in one bed, and am wondering if they can cross with each other... Tequila, Victoria Blue and Mystic Spires.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I've never grown salvias so I don't know .. a lot of plant crosses will breed true the first generation, but after that it gets wild.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, well, mine are definitely open pollinated, as getting out my paintbrush to do it myself seems more trouble than its worth. So i suppose i shall see next spring when whatever seed made it to the ground begin to grow.. IF they grow

YOU know X, we sure could use you over on the newbies thread to explain this stuff to us newbies sometimes. You sure do help.
HI Cue, glad you didn't make this mistake.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Plant crossing and hybridization is really not for newbies. It's kind of like trying to ride a motorcycle just after you learned how to ride a tricycle.


Yep, but you could have warned me not to get on that motorcycle and why.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

X, your single is just as beautiful as your double.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks .. I love morning glory .. they all look like they have little spotlights in their throats.


Hi All

Just dropped in. Tell us X where to learn about plant crossing and hybridization. I've started with daylilies since they seem so easy to cross. Have tried with others like the Blue clock vine with no success. I understand there's no natural pollinator here but couldn't find success with a paint brush either. LOL

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

The best way to learn is cross and trial. You need to know the parts of a flower's reproductive system. Most importantly be able to recognize the anther which holds the pollen and stigma which accepts the pollen.

The key is making sure the anther, which holds the pollen has released the pollen and the stigma, which accepts the pollen is ready for the pollen, of which that is really trial and error. Some plants have a short window for accepting pollen others don't.

I looked at pictures of the clock vine .. try tearing half the petals off in the morning they open and expose the reproductive parts to get a better look at what's where. It won't kill the flower and not affect in any way the flowers ability to make seeds so don't be hesitant about doing it. I'm famous for tearing flowers in half to see the reproductive parts.

The picture is of a cordata triloba morning glory's reproductive parts .. you can clearly see the anthers and that pollen is being released. The round white object in the upper right is the stigma.

I don't have the right critters to pollinate my vigna caracalla so I have to do it by hand along with a little surgery because the reproductive parts are in a tube. Even by hand the chance of a "take" is still about 50 50.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum

Thanks X I will try it tomorrow morning. I have dissected one already and will try your method of removing half the petal. Luckily it's a prolific bloomer. LOL


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

When I say half the petals I mean literally tear the flower in half. Just make sure you leave the sepals and the ovary intact.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum

Thanks for the great pictures Xeramtheum! I'll trim my petal like that. When I took it apart before it seemed this had a mechanism to prohibit self pollination. Thunbergia battiscombei A lot of nectar in the ovary area but the pistils seemed closed by a type of lid or lip. I'll try to get a macro tomorrow. That usually reveals the details. Obviously smushing around in there with a brush did nothing. LOL

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

This is a picture of the morning glory I grew a couple years ago . It was from a commercial pack. I have seen them sense in the stores.

Thumbnail by gardengus

Hey, that is pretty. Even that I would have liked more than the little blue dot I grew. Maybe I'll find those in the store next year.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, y'all, I bought the same seeds. When they did their thing, I had already done some research and realized I probably was not going to get that dark blue, white bordered, let alone gorgeously double flower! And I chalked it up to experience. I do believe, for some reason, that the seller believed the seeds were true, but I tend to want to give the benefit of the doubt. And I did learn a lesson worth the two bucks or whatever it was!

However, I am not sorry I grew these, as they are pretty, albeit rather shy and retiring..... Here is one in a picture, from my front deck. They do not bloom profusely either, but as I said, live and learn!

Thumbnail by Kylaluaz
Iola, TX(Zone 8b)

mekos, I just seen this post.

I am the one you got the seeds from. You seen them in market place and asked me if I would trade them, I love swapping seeds so I said yes.
It is in the add that the seeds were open pollinated. So, I thought you knew they would probably be different. I did not lie and was not trying to lie about the seeds. That is one thing I am not is a liar.....

As for the d-mail with the pictures, I thought I responded to it.

I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

This message was edited Aug 8, 2009 10:26 PM

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

OMG I to bought some seeds and thought they didn't come up. Now I know the blue ones I have are the seeds.
No white around the leaves.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here are some blue picotees I grew last year. I got the seed in one of our Seed Exchanges here. Seems it had a pink one mixed in too.
My camera does not pick up bright blues or reds too well.

"X"--I believe you replied to some question I had on these last year...


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is one of the blooms I "fixed" a bit in Adobe Photo Shop--just to intensify the blue to look like they normally do. This is more true to what they look like....


Thumbnail by Gitagal

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