compost tea smells.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

This is my first time making compost tea, so I am brand new. Yesterday I took a bucket 5 gallon that we used for paint cleaned it out as good as I could and added water, then I place my fish tank blubblers on it, let it run for about 1 1/2 hours to get rid of all the chlorine. THen took some of my worm castings and placed them in a kitchen mesh and added that to the buggly water, then added about 1/4 cups of molasses, some powders such as bone meal, fish meal and kelp meal. Let the thing go all night, this morning I woke up to check on it and the thing smells, it kind of smells bad, like a yeasty misture but not pleasant all all, I am not sure what I did wrong, is it supposed to smell like this? Also there is no foam foarming on top at all, just a couple of bubbles. I have been making this in my laundry area. Should I dump the whole mix down the drain?
I took the worm compost out of the bucket and now the compost teas is just aerating, I also gave it a couple of stirs with a wooden spoon to see if I need to aerate it more.

Please Help!

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