CLOSED: Offer: Water bottles (reusable) for postage

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I hope this is the right area to post this:
I happened across a guy cleaning out his storage bin and he was gonna throw these away. Rather than let them go unused to the landfill i thought I'd try and find them a home. I have plenty (a huge box full) so there is enough for you to have as many as you think you can use. They come in Pink and Yellow. Just let me know how many you want. Thanks,

Thumbnail by Shellsort

Hey, just a thought...

Do you think they'd make good "temporary" pots to start trees with long tap roots in?

Teachers in your area might be interested as never know what kind of projects teachers are thinking about.

Good of you to rescue these. Hope they find a home.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Ya know i put them on freecycle and i had an overwhelming response. It seems various charities could use them. I wish i had more :) I am so glad to keep them out of the landfill :)

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