Hydrangea won't bloom

Coventry, RI(Zone 6a)

Need advise with my Niko Blue hydrangea. It is planted in a south/west section next to the deck. It is nice and full and lush green but not one single solitary bloom. This is the first year we've lived here. Girl that we are renting from said she's had problems with it blooming in the past also. I cut it back in very early spring but no luck. Any suggestions as to how to get it to bloom?

I do believe there are lots of people right now having problems and I think it is mostly weather related. I just heard that you don't have to prune - but if you do - prune after it blooms so that would be around August.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It blooms on old wood, so if you cut it back in the early spring you cut off all the flower buds--if it needs to be pruned you have to wait until right after it flowers and prune then. In your zone you may also sometimes have problems in some years with late freezes zapping the flower buds if the plant isn't protected, so that could explain why it's had trouble in some previous years (assuming those other non-blooming years weren't also caused by pruning at the wrong time)

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