Duranta "golden dewdrop" in NY??

Port Chester, NY

Pretty, tree-like, 4' high in pot, purchased for $18 here in NY. No greenhouse. What are the odds of growing this inside the house over the winter? An East and South window, which may offer proper light, although the room is somewhat cooler, generally, in winter months. From web search, seems this is a rather huge shrub! Welcome experience or knowledge. Thanks

Danville, IN

Michael Dirr says that this shrub, also called Pigeon Berry, "appears infrequently in gardens along the Georgia coast and into Florida. It is usually a dieback shrub and the largest specimens attain height and spread of 4 to 6'. Listed as growing to 18' in central and southern Florida. The multi-colored, blue-white flowers develop on new growth of the season up to 6" long. Fruits are listed as poisonous."

So-o-o, I would think that you could overwinter it indoors, but you might consider just cutting it back and keeping it in a dark, cool place for the winter, bringing it into a sunny room in early spring to give it a head start. Since it blooms on new growth anyway, it wouldn't hurt to cut it back. Good luck.

Port Chester, NY

Thanks for that possibility. Since the fruits are poison, perhaps leaves are too - may be a "deer resistant" plant -- highly sought in some parts here in NY!

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