Coneflower transplanting

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

It's almost August and I just moved some coneflowers from IA to MO. Until I can get them in the ground, I put them in planters in quality soil. They are in extreme (!!!!) shock. Should I cut off the dead flowers and stems to try and save them? I am NEW to all this - your help is appreciated!


Coneflowers are extremely hardy plants. But, yes by all means, cut thise blooms and stocks off.
Since the plants are in shock, I'd keep them out of direct sun for a few days, maybe even a couple weeks.

You might want to leave them in the pots for awhile till you see some new growth, before transplanting them back into the ground.

Good luck. I imagine they will be just fine.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I always try to keep some shade on mine after transplanting, like Sashagirl said. Keep 'em moist. But I gotta tell you don't get too awful worried, some coneflowers esp., the natives look retched after transplanting, some 2 to 3 weeks. Coneflowers, Black-eyed Susans just look horrible sometimes! It is just the nature of the beast, and i would not stress it. In the morning they may look great, only to go out an hour later, and find them all bent over looking like they will croak any second. They just do that. I expect it when I move coneflower, lol. Keep them moist, give them a little shade, all will be well. A couple weeks or 3, they will be fine. you'll see!

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank you for your insights! I will cut them back and move them into the shade. We have a fence going up in September, so will leave them in their pots until I can get them into their home. I am so thrilled over this forum as being a beginner, I can learn from you guys. Thanks again!


You're going to love this place! Seems someone is always 'round the table' to help.

Welcome aboard!


San Antonio, TX

Wow, aren't coneflowers supposed to look wretched in July and August?????
They are annuals and have gone to seed in this terrible drought in Texas. I'd
take the blooms off to keep the seed in a paper bag and let nature take its course and plant new seeds this Sept. You'll have many, many new plants next spring!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

In Texas, I'm sure they do, farther North, they still look pretty decent right now, I'm going to deadhead them today, let the new bud take over , then leave that for the finches.

Garderner09, are you getting any rain at all, I've been watching the news wondering how anything including humans survive your heat, lol. Couples years ago we went to Houston to visit friends, my first time to Texas. 103 was the coolest day for our trip! I thought i would cool of in the hotel pool, hmm, pool was 100 degrees! lol

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

I cut them way back taking off all the dead stuff, put them in good soil in pots and have them in the shade under our deck. Will plant them this fall and throw in some coneflower seeds I bought on line. Hopefully, next year we'll have some flowers. I assume they multiply each year as when my mother-in-law planted her garden, she only had a few and now they are all over the place! (Iowa). I love this website - I have learned so much as this is my first year gardening - if I didn't visit anyplace else on the web, I'd stick here!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I just wanted to add my two cents to the discussion. They are very hardy plants and they will make you think you shouldn't have done the transplant, but not to worry with just some attention, water and some shade they will be fine. If you don't have a lot of shade try putting up and umbrella like what folks use on their patio tables. This works wonders on transplants. I have used it all the time. Just have to make sure your stand will hold it should some wind kick up.

By the way, are you a collie lover?

Welcome to the forum this is one of the best places here.

Meadowyck Collies

Thumbnail by meadowyck
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Howdy neighbor! Where's Sagamore Hills?
Wow your dog is stunning!!

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes, Janet of Meadowyck Collies, I have a sable rough coat - he's stunning. I adopted him from Wayward Collie Rescue over by St. Louis, MO. He's now almost six and we named him, St. Han the Perfect, as he's the best dog I've ever owned. I love Duluth, MN, and hope to someday foster collies when we eventually move back there. In the meantime, Han is very excited to have a new garden he'll be able to wander through next year!

Thumbnail by hanseycollie
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

crash: I'm off 271 and 82 Macedonia exit. Where are you??? I'm just south of Cleveland

hansey: What a sweet one there you have and I can tell he is in good hands, his coat is perfect. Thank you for adopting a rescue. When I lived back in Kentucky and was more active in collies, I had a small rescue group that I took care of and looked for homes. Not enough folks look to the rescues first.


this is my sweet blessing who died in Feb 09, just kills me to not have her, cancer got her and she was only 9.

edited to add, your boy is pure for sable, that is why he is so fair compared to my girl

This message was edited Aug 5, 2009 6:11 PM

Thumbnail by meadowyck
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

here is her mother at 13.5 who died the week after blessing, old age for her. I was blessed to have them both as long as I did cause after I moved up here first Acacia bloated and was saved then a year later almost to the day Blessing bloated and just happened to have been home that day.


now back to the topic sorry to have hijacked the thread.

Thumbnail by meadowyck
Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

I am so sorry to hear you lost both those gorgeous collies. I can't imagine what it'll be like to lose Han as he's my baby. Love the name of your dog, My Sweet Blessing. Such a great name for a collie. Han's brother, Luke, and he were left to die in a park near Fenton, MO, and eventually ended up at a collie rescue. I found him on and after rigorous screening, was able to adopt him. His foster mom is one of my best friends now - there's something special about Collie Moms! Thanks for your comments and the photos. I'll attach a photo of Gretchen (a sheltie) and Han's brother, Luke, as he's gorgeous too - he's a white collie.

BTW, I think the coneflowers are gonna make it as I have had them in the shade and I believe there is new growth about to come up from the roots. Yippee!!! Cynthia

Thumbnail by hanseycollie
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Awwww, haha, that is the cutest picture!

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks - they are both rescue dogs too.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I am southwest of Columbus, 'bout an 3/4 hour meadow. Are you fairly close to the lake?
Hansey, god bless you for rescuing animals in need!! Thank you.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I couldn't figure out what was going on with their eyes until I clicked on the pic..... ROFL to cute.... Did the collie hide after wards....? mine would go sulk after I put reindeer ears on them.... or hats...

thanks for sharing.

also glad to hear they are recovering.

I did find out something very interesting today, don't know how true this is, but if different kinds of cones are planted close together they will change... I'm going to do some more research on this to see if this really is true... if so then I've gone some transplanting to do myself...


Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I think that might be true, as I no longer have a "Sundown" , it is now pink.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh man, well next weekend they are all getting moved then. As I love each one separately.



Jackson, TN(Zone 7b)

I wonder how close 'close together' actually is. I have several different coneflowers blooming for their second season planted close together. So far they have all bloomed as their original colors.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone.... loving the pictures of your collies. They're all such beautiful dogs!

I'm interested in what you're saying about the coneflowers changing colors. I had Sundowns that were planted close to regular purple coneflowers and I swear they changed to regular and some even turned white. I posted that question on the coneflower forum and they suggested that my original Sundowns died and they are the seedlings that I have left. I thought this could be true but how would the seedlings even change to white? This has happened with my neighbor as well. She absolutely had a Sunrise which is no longer yellow. She also says all her phlox are mostly all purple where she had a variety of colors all closely planted. I wonder if it has to do with cross pollination. If cross-pollination occurs, what is the point of spending extra on new cultivars only to have them revert?

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Medinac, maybe they know something I don't , but if my sundown died and it is a seed, it is a sundown seedling, I did not have any other cones close enough. I have the same thing going on here, some that were Magnus, pink are now pale to white , my sundown pink. My sundown is PINK. it didn't die. something is happening.
Now, i'm wondering about soil acidity., changing the colors??

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

soil being responsible for the changing colors sounds more believable to me... at least that is an idea that I can wrap my brain around.

Medinac, thanks for you kinds remarks on my four legged kids...LOL

Here are my boys (I call them the S & S boys) Saul & Saint (right after eating with dirty noses).


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

This is Sarah, (daughter to Acacia (on right) mother of Saul & Saint and Gracie...


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I love Sarah's face!!

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Collies and coneflowers - what a great combination! Can anyone tell me what this plant is? It's my neighbors, and we think it's bizarre. The stem is like a leopard skin and the leaves are u-shaped and large on a long stem. Anyone know? Thanks, Cynthia

Thumbnail by hanseycollie
Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

And here is St. Han's glamour shot just for grins!

Thumbnail by hanseycollie
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Those are some great pictures of your kids! St. Han's glamour shot is adorable, looks just like the doggy version of the People Glamour Shots (do they even have any of those places anymore?) That picture could be a contest winner! Collies are one of the most beautiful dogs, I think. We have the opposite, tiny little (as in hair, not size)shorthaired dogs - German Shorthaired Pointers.

Anyway, about the coneflowers.... with these new cultivars - from what I understand, they are created using tissue culture from different plants so the seedlings will not be true when dropped - they will be the regular purple coneflower.
That's why, and this happened to me with Sundown, if bad tissue culture is used you get a funky looking plant in both leaf and flowering - it has happened alot in the Big Sky Series. I had many Sundowns that were deformed in either leaf, flower - or both. I believe I did lose plants and had their seedlings in there instead. Although, I still think that I have some of the mother plants - and I see my neighbor's too - that seem to be changing color. I don't know if any of you are Heuchera fans, but the same thing goes for all these new cultivars of Heuchera, none will grow true to seed if you save the seeds and try to grow them. They'll only be true by division. Maybe if I get some time this winter I'll read up about pollination, I'm still betting it has something to do with that.

Your neighbor's plant is the most bizzarre thing I've seen in the garden. Did a bird drop a seed - I'm guessing she didn't plant it? Strange!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

What a sweetie... just makes me want to bury my face in his coat with my arms wrapped around him.... kissy to him....

never seen anything like that plant, post it on the ID forum, and send us a link, as I would like to hear what it is... Birds deposited several LARGE sunflowers in my front bed... looks kinda funny but I'm leaving them there... going to try and get seeds off them.

medinac I'm really bummed now to hear that Heuchera won't come true from seed, guess I'll throw those seeds I collected out....

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Janet - Oh, you might try them... you might grow something totally different and cool from those seeds - you never know! If it turns out to be something really pretty and different, you may have the next new patent! Wouldn't that be fun!

Looking at your Sarah, it always amazes me how mature dogs get gray, just like we do.

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Sarah is gorgeous - blue merle? How many collies do you have Janet? I just bought a ton of coneflower seeds - and read you can toss them out right before winter and they'll grow in the spring? So that's not true? Rats - I really wanted to grow some inside, too, and have them ready for the ground next spring... did I say rats!? (Here's a cute one of Han at the local dog wash).

Thumbnail by hanseycollie
Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

By the way, the weird plant is a Sauromatum Venosum or a voodoo lily. I posted it on the plant ID site. Check it out and look at the weird flower (if you can call it that) it grows. Was gonna transplant some but now .... nope.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Han looks like he's enjoying his bath, looks like he's smiling to me! Mine never smile during their baths. Our one loves the water, but for swimming only - not baths and our other doesn't like water, period.

I think I'd go ahead and toss the seeds out before winter, they should be fine since that's what happens in nature when they drop in their fall decline.

Interesting about the voodoo lily but sounds scarey to have around, just the name, yikes! Checking it out after this post.

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

From what I have read, they have blooms that smell like dead meat and attract flies to pollinate...? I was gonna transplant some over here, but since I've read about them now, uhhhhh, nope. Gonna stick with the pretty flowers instead! And I think you're right - might as well toss some seeds out and see what happens. What can it hurt?

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Yuck! Yep, I'd stick with the pretty flowers. That one didn't have much in the way of a pretty flower anyhow....unusual but definitely not pretty. I saw you popped in over on the coneflower forum. You can learn alot over there, they really know their stuff.

Best of luck with yours. You'll need to post pictures of your coneflowers next summer when they bloom.

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes, I just joined tonight so I have been all over the site. Not sure really how to get back to the places where I've asked questions.... the little light bulb over my head hasn't gone off yet. I think with more time... I am amazed at how quickly people answer your questions. That voodoo lily was identified in about an hour - I was blown away by that! I think this site will be as addicting as Facebook is to some people, ha! Do you have a photo of your GS pointers you can post? I love seeing other people's dogs!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

hanseycollie, all of the posts that you make to threads will automatically appear everytime a new post is made to that thread. So if anyone post to the threads you have asked question on, it will show up on your home page when you log in. It is called your thread watcher.
Also , if you get any d-mail, it will show up in daves heading.
There is also a way to search older threads, or body of posts of thereads. just click on the search DG m, and type in what you are looking for.

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank you crashbandiscoot. So, when I go to my home page, if anyone has made a post to a thread I began, it'll show "yes", correct? Cause when I click on the link, it takes me to the forum - I assume then I go to my thread? Is that correct? I have been all over the site and it's a little overwhelming, you know? :^) I love it though! Cynthia

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

It will be your thread you have been posting to directly!

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