Can't make up it's mind...

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

not sure if this was supposed to be the 'white' extra bulb that was thrown into the order or whether its a yellow that isn't as bright as the previous one I posted... It sure stands out among all the darker colors in the bed!

Thumbnail by Kizmo
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 10a)

I'll be curious to see that same one in a few days. It looks likes it's brushed with some red or pink? Could that be a light Keith H? Maybe not...Regardless it beyoootiful.


Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

I have to make sure my dad in law doesn't cut it to take to his 'lady friends' before it's finished! LOL

Coushatta, LA

That one is pretty...

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

I checked this one on Saturday morning, it had turned more of a yellow, so I'm thinking it may have been like the yellow baby I posted before. Sunday Dad got up before we did to head out to church and cut all the ones blooming for a bouquet to put on the Communion table.. So far, I've not had any solid whites turn up out of this batch.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Kizmo, I picked up some tubers labelled "Hamari Gold" at Lowes, I think and the first blooms are looking very much like your yellow above- with little streaks of orange. I'll get a pic tomorrow to compare. It's a short bush 2.5-3 ft tall including the tops of flowers. Does that sound similar to yours?

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

well, it does sound like it. However, the blooms on that same stalk have not popped out yet, so we'll compare it when they do. My dahlias are all sorts of heights; anywhere from 3-5', but I don't know as that is due to weather or variety.. like I said, they came in a group collection, but they aren't as they were described.
Bet it will be pretty, though. Yellow and orange make a striking combination, see my new posts....

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

I sure would like to see more of this white/yellow/orangey (like the above pic) variation for a table arrangement, but it probably won't happen... only because I want it to LOL

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Here's an early one. It doesn't have any white though, so not the same.
And not looking much like "Hamari Gold" either according to photos online. Grrr mislabelling.

Isn't that the way it goes: the more you want something, the further away it gets from bloomtime!

Thumbnail by Poochella
Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

now, if the color can vary from bloom to bloom on the same plant, will the type/shape of petals would vary? Some of my blooms have a wide petal, some of them look more cupped in shape. Your pic has almost the same shading as my first one, although the orange is a little more prominent. But it's petals don't look the same as the 'Hamari', those are more twisted, like the fur on a lynx's ears. Guess I should just appreciate the fact that mine are blooming and not worry about what type they are..... I'll just consider them like a 'grab bag', then I can be surprised at each bloom!!!!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

How I'm gonna find a lynx ear for comparison? Google. The solutions for so many questions. Check this out I'd love a dahlia with petals like that!

I agree our flower colors are similar but petal shape is different. I know what I have is not Hamari Gold, for sure, but thought I'd take a chance in case it was true.

Colors can vary especially on variegated varieties (more purple/more white, almost solid one color, less of the other, etc.) They also seem to vary with weather, sun vs shade and time of year too. Form usually doesn't vary that much but blooms will get smaller as the days get shorter, at least mine do. Except this hot year when many are smaller to begin with here. Neverending variety or changes when it comes to dahlias.

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

So many things in nature are similar, don't you think? The twisted tips on the Hamari reminded me of my cat's ears. I adopted him from the local Humane Society, he's part Maine coontail. The vet made the comment that he looked like he was part coontail, part lynx, hence his name was changed to Lynx, officially at the vets office. But at home we call him Casper, as he appears and disappears alot, especially when there's alot of noise..
Anyhoo, Dad cut the blooms before his trip today, so no new blooms yet. There are tons of buds out there, I'm waiting on the yellow one.....

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Pooch maybe if you ask nicely a lynx might let you look at his ears?

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