Hardy zone 4 roses?

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I want something that will grow without any fuss in zone 4B. Fragrant and not pink if that is possible. Anyone know of any?

Middleton, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm zone 4B and have a whole assortment of roses and none have required much effort. I have shrub, vine, floribunda, tea, morden, Canadian park, etc. I don't put cones on in the winter. I don't use special fertilizers or pest control.

A couple years ago I saw an ad on craigslist for free roses - you dig'em you get'em. I sent my husband and a shovel over. Turned out a young 20-something couple had bought a new home in downtown Madison and didn't want gardens at all. They were digging up everything to replace them with little white rocks. My husband brought a couple dozen roses and two weigelia home. I don't know their names or exactly what they are, but they grow just fine.

I guess what I'm trying to say is. Pick what you like and give it a go.

I think I remember there is a famous rose guy .. buck? ... from Iowa that might be a good option for you.

Galva, IL


I usually have the best results (zone 4) with Bucks Roses, Canadian Roses and Rugosa Roses. Plus, "Julia Child" does really well here. Now if you can just keep the Japanese Beetles from destroying them, you'll have a perfect rose garden!

Picture: Buck's Queen Bee from Heirloom Roses

Thumbnail by DianeEG
Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I tried roses, love them. But only the no fuss kind.
Problem was, it turns out deer love them. All my beautiful roses were stubs in no time!

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Did they eat them in the summer, or only in the winter?

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

They started to eat them in the late summer, mowed them down in a few nights.

I have a new neighbor who planted rose bushes all over..her's are still standing. I guess the deer were full by the time they left my yard!

We had real deer problems for a few years. A large regional park was their home, they'd come though the woods in the nice weather and over the ice on the lake in the winter. A few years ago they did a bow hunt to thin the heard. Helped quite a bit, but as soon as the food starts thinning out they come and forage in what my DH calls "The smorgasborg"...that is my gardens.

I know they are starting when my hostas start disappearing!

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Yes, deer are a big problem here too. We have a dairy farm and in the winter we feed the cows from a bag of silage behind our house. Last winter we had up to 44 deer coming up to eat the silage with the cows!
It's hard enough paying for the cow feed these days, let alone sharing it with the deer!

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