Help needed

barmera, Australia

Can anyone offer some suggestions please? I have a feather and down underlay about 3" thick which I washed and now it stinks. I have been hanging it back out on the line for the last 3 days thinking that it may not be completely dry but I think it has to be . I hang it in front of the aircon when I bring it in. I've sprayed it with Febreeze and put it in a bag with napthalyne flakes but it"s back on the line again this morning. I hope someone will be able to shed some light on why it might smell so bad. Colleen

do you have a dryer? I read somewhere that you put it into a dryer with some sheets of clothes softener ...a couple of tennis balls to beat the heck out of it go in too ...
failing that ...just leave in the sunshine on the line for a few days if needed take inside in the afternoon to keep moisture away from it ...perhaps a few drops of lavender oil in a sprayer to lightly spray on it before putting it on the line...or glenn 20, but whichever, flapping in the sunshine is probably the safest way.

barmera, Australia

No Chrissy I haven't a drier. I thought about taking it to the laundrymat just down the road but It should really be dry after 3 days on the line and 3 night in front of the aircon. It's back outside again now. Will try some more febreeze on it. Thanks. Colleen

I found this ...try reading through this thread and then through the others ...if you don't have access to a dryer does anyone you know have one? the febreeze would still be putting moisture into it.
Kitty litter ...baking soda ...either of those sprinkle all over and rolled up in a warm room for a couple of days then shake out and allow to flap around on the line in the sun. (my weird thoughts only)

barmera, Australia

Thanks Chrissy. Will give the baking soda a go and roll it up for a few more days if it doesn't smell any better after today. Colleen

Barmera, Australia

Put it on the floor and let Benny sleep on it. After a few nights it will at least smell different if not better.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Colleen ,
I am a old dry cleaner Chrissy is spot on it has to go in a dryer go down to the laundrymat
they will have a large dryer after it will need a day to air. check all the seams are closed one little opening and the dryer is full of feathers .
I always used a old pair of sneakers in the dryer .

barmera, Australia

Thanks Sammut. Will do that. I dont think I'll try Brian's suggestion. Anyway he's too busy trying to get on my bed with all the cats. Colleen

western sydney nsw, Australia

Golly close to catching up only about a week behind now .
The weather has been so warm in the days a lot of my plants are starting to shoot and bud it all looks good no new plants still playing with pots . only have one plant affected from the cold and frost
the hammerhead frani. is not looking good .
every one have a great week end .------------Elaine.

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