Rose of Sharon

Doniphan, MO

I have approximately two dozen Rose of Sharon rootling's in pot's, and I want to put them in the ground. Should I wait or do it now? I have very heavy clay soil, how should I prepare the hole? Any suggestion's would help.

Thumbnail by possum6
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

here is a link that should help. RofS are very forgiving plants, so a little care when planting goes a long way.

Doniphan, MO

Thank's, I've been to every site on the web I think. I decided to put one in the ground to see how it does. If it does okay I'll put the other's down.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I don't know what zone Doniphan MO is (I'm in zone 9) but according to this file in the plant files, RofS are hardy to zone6. So, if your concern was whether it would survive your winters inground and assuming you are in zone 6 or warmer, the answer is YES.

If your concern was simply whether they do well inground (vs. in a pot), the answer is also yes, provided you add a little bit of compost or some other amendment to lighten the clay soil.

Here is the plant file on a cultivar which is widely grown. Don't know if this is what you have, but this likely applies to most cultivars. Good luck.

Whitmore Lake, MI

I live in SE Michigan Zone 5. Brought 3 RofS from a friend's garden in S Carolina 3 years ago. They are doing fine in sandy loam except they don't get
enough sun where I planted them. So blooms are not what they could be. Also had RofS when living in Ann Arbor in heavy clay, southern exposure
and they were beautiful.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

As I was driving through Beloit last weekend, I saw adjacent homes both with blooming Rose of Sharon hedges. One hedge was larger and clearly more matue than the other, and I enjoyed the image of one neighbor admiring the original hedge, then pursuading the other neighbor to share their hedge. My Rose of Sharon hedge fantasy kept me happy driving all the way to Brodhead!

Wish I had a photo.

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