Your Best Blooming Hibiscus This Summer???

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I was just curious as to which hibiscus have been blooming the most consistently for everyone this summer. If you have a few minutes and can post what your "top 5" bloomers are it might be interesting to see what everyone thinks. It would probably be good to distinguish whether these hibbies are in a pot or planted in the ground. Based on checking my "list of hibiscus" and going by memory of the blooms I've seen this summer here is my "top 5"

1) GYPSY KING (in the ground). Have had MANY days of multiple blooms on this plant. There have been at least 4 or 5 days this summer with 4-8 blooms on it on ant given day.
2) RUM RUNNER (in the ground). Has bloomed at least 75% of the days this summer.
3) VOODOO MAGIC (in the ground). Has bloomed at least 75% of the days this summer and many multiple bloom days.
4) HIGH VOLTAGE (in the ground). Has bloomed about 50% of the days this summer and quite a few multiple bloom days.
5) ROCKET'S RED GLARE (in a pot). Still a fairly small sized plant that I've only had 2 months. Considering it's size its still managed to bloom at least or twice every week this summer.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Look at my post of "Cherie...I hope", Jon. Would love to see some of your whole plants full of blooms. You certainly have some that take my breath away. Can't put them in the ground here so I'm limited to what I can fit in my GH in the winter.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, when you have to bring them inside for the winter that would limit things a bit. For the most part, the ones in the ground here bloom the best. They get larger in size, thus more bloom potential. My "Gypsy King" blooms so much more compared to any of the's not even close. I'm guessing there are at least 50 buds on Gypsy King right now.

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

I have multiple garden varieties (top 5 below) that I have had at least a year that have bloomed well, both potted and in the ground, however most of the mostly 4" pot cultured varieties I acquired this spring have yet to bloom. Of those that have Evangeline, Mon Ami and Rum Runner (all potted) have put out 3 or more blooms since I got them. It will be interesting to compare my answer to this question this time next year. :-)

Painted Lady (potted)
Sunny Wind (potted)
Diamond Head (potted)
Misty Isle (in the ground)
Lipstick (in the ground)


Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

50 buds! glorious! we need a photo of the Gypsy King bush Jon

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

OK. It's kind of difficult to get an overall photo of the plant that will pick up all the buds. Here are some of the blooms I took off of "Gypsy King" today so you can see some of the other buds.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

And here's a close up just showing a couple of branches on "Gypsy King"

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow! how big is that thing? The buds look huge!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I've only had "Gypsy King" about 14 months and it was planted in the ground last fall. I pruned it back quite a bit in March 2009 and it quickly responded with lots of growth and blooming beginning in late May. Its now about 4 feet tall and about 3 feet wide.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

I look at that picture & can only dream! So beautiful. Jon do you find the potted plants require more or less attention than those in the ground?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That's a good question Debbie. The potted hibiscus require more time in that they have to be watered more frequently and repotted up as they get larger. In terms of insect control there is no difference in time spent. The biggest difference is in their growth potential. The hibiscus in the ground seem to branch better on their own, grow larger. They bloom much better also just based on their growth. I have 17 hibiscus planted in the ground and about half of them seem to bloom on any given day on the average.


Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Great thread; I will be eager to see what Wilfred, Robert, the other Jon, Patrick etc. and all of you that have done this for awhile and have bigger collections come up with. I only have nine and they are all less than six months old. All of mine but one are in pots. So far the hibbie I have been most pleased with is Rum Runner. It blooms consistently for me and often has more than one bloom at a time. I hope to find places to place more in the ground but I'll have to toss something out to make room and right now with our drought and the heat, I'm not wanting to move anything right now.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yeah, I'm hoping a few more people will see this thread and list their best bloomers also. I wonder who gave you the idea that you should add hibiscus "Rum Runner" to you collection Patty??? LOL. Could it have been me??


Herceg Novi, Montenegro

Hm..we had werry strange summer this year,with lot of rain,and warm wether started only month ago,so for now

Tahitian French Toast
Tahitian princes

but,Voodoo Magic and Katllen Ann are full of buds and thay did not bloom this summer yet so I do not know,blooming season here last till novembar..

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank you for sharing your list. I like the name Tahitian French Toast. I wonder what the difference is between Tahitian French Toast and Tahitian Toast. LOL

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Maybe they are very very very different like.... Danish cheese is not the same as cheese danish.

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes Jon . . . kudos to you for great selection advice!!!! along with a lot of other valuable hibbie tips and knowledge. Thanks for being so willing to help us newbies.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I like to help out and share the little bit I've learned in the last two years. I know what its like when you first start driving down "Hibiscus Road". Sometimes it feels like you're battling one issue after another...and so on.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10b)

My season is just starting to really kick off but the last month besides the minis I have are

T. Blushing Sun
Black Dream
T Solar Flare
Rockets Red Glare
Moon goddess

Thats what comes to mind right now as constant blooming.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

That is so pretty. Would love to have that one. After you plant them in the ground you can't take them out & repot them can you? Pretty sure that is a no-no but have to ask. Have a lot of GV that I have lugged in & out of the GH for 3-4 years. In fact, they are the reason I have a GH & got into gardening. Tried bringing them in the house the 1st year & it was a mess & the next spring I took them outside & they put on a few green leaves then died. So, I want to know how much I can cut them back before going into the GH? Just can't stand to dump them but they have got to be smaller to fit in this year. Have never cut mine back before.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Judy

You can dig them up for overwintering. I'm not sure why you would want to plant them in the ground any year if you're going to have to dig them up every fall. It just sounds like quite a bit of extra work and would increase the chances you could harm the plant each year when you're digging up and putting back in.
Ideally the best time to prune your hibiscus is in the spring. The plants do most of their growing in the summer and pruning in the spring releases enzymes that stimulate growth also. If you must prune "somewhat" before over wintering them I would think you should do it at least a month before you bring them inside. This would give the plants a chance to develop a little new growth. Just don't prune them real late in the season if you could get a frost and they're still outside. That's a bad combination.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Jon. Really didn't think I could put them in the ground. Just wanted great plants like yours. I will follow your advice about the pruning. I will not prune anything except the regular NOID ones that I have had for several years. If it has a name or a bloom I love I will leave it alone till spring. Thanks so much for your help.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

You're welcome Judy and thank you. LOL You could put them in the ground, but I thought I'd try to save you all that extra work. Most of us gardeners already have enough work we can do outside, right? The other advantage with a potted plant that blooms is that you can move that pot with the bloom to your perfect spot for viewing pleasure at your home. That's a definite advantage with a potted plant.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

My weather has been great for plants this season, so almost all of my hibs. have flowered well. Miss Fantasy, Night Runner, Silver Memories, and a couple more I cannot recall their names, are opening 3 to 5 blooms at a time. So far, they are never without at least one bloom. As they are in pots, I appreciate their efforts. :)


Miss Fantasy

Thumbnail by tusseemussee
Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

gorgeous Tussee! And who is that purple beauty in the photo with Miss Fantasy?

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

My best bloomers are Dragon Fire and Creole Darling. Here in Texas they can not take the full sun so I grow them in shady area. This makes them grow lanky and less blooms. Should have pruned in spring but was anxious to see blooms. I will prune only the tallest branches and leave the side shoots. This will keep me from having to wait on blooms. Hate to throw away the good wood from the cuttings so have to enlarge the cuttings setup.
Always seems like one chore produces another. Already planning on another GH to over winter the ones I have, then if the cuttings get the picture.

Thumbnail by DdeTex
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Super blooms Tussee and DdeTex

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Very pretty Tussee & Dde. Tussee, would love to see your Silver Memories in bloom.


Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

Tussie, that's such a large beautiful plant! Love the bloom on it & on yours DD, very nice.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Thank you, guamsorbit, for the compliment. For once, I placed a plant in the right spot, the first time. :) Here's a picture of its neighbor.


Black Dragon

Thumbnail by tusseemussee
Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

That Black Dragon sure looked purple to me...Ooops :-)

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That's an awesome "Black Dragon" bloom. Black Dragon can be one of the more difficult hibiscus to grow. Looks like you're doing it quite nicely.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Thank you, trickiwoo. I think the photo I'm sending is Silver Memories, but not sure. I will check myself tomorrow when its light and correct myself if it's the wrong flower. Took the picture yesterday and thought the colors were kind of nice. If anyone wants to jump in here and do the correction for me, please do so.


Silver Memories

Edited to correct name. This is Envy.

This message was edited Aug 3, 2009 1:44 PM

Thumbnail by tusseemussee
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

My guess is that it is Cajun Hibiscus "Envie"


Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

colors are definitely beautiful together Tussie!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Jon, you are correct, it is Envy. Sure glad someone is on here who can keep things straight. This is my third season growing hibs. and I should know my flowers by now.


Silver Memories

Thumbnail by tusseemussee
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

This is my third season also Tussee. Started collecting them in May 2007

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

But Jon, you have a memory! I have a one acre garden, more plants than I should have, and the old memory excels at fading in or out depending on the weather and whether or not it's leap year. :)


My beautiful babies - the human ones are grown

Thumbnail by tusseemussee
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

For some reason my memory is very focused when it comes to remembering plants and the variety names. I can walk through the yard when neighbors stop by and just rattle off the names of things. I used to have a big dog and a little one also (golden retriever & min pin) until about 3 years ago. There were quite a few photos taken just like the one you posted. LOL If my memory is correct the next leap year will be in 2012.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the pic of Envy & Silver Memories. Both are beautiful but that Black Dragon is a show stopper. And, your fur babies are pretty. Have 2 myself, Tricki Woo & Tink, both chihuahuas that needed a good home. And, they let me live in it too!


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