Looking for the following cultivars... Can you help?

Baton Rouge, LA

I'm trying to find the following cultivars, all hybridized by Walter Moores. Does anyone know a grower who has them? I've already checked Bluebird, C&T, Cooley's, Malevil, Napa Country, Nicholls, Prevost Ranch, Shadowood, Snowpeak, Superstition, Sutton's, and The Iris Farm. I don't know any others to check and no one has listed these on DG.

Cloud Illusion -- Edit: Being released this year
Foggy Mist -- Edit: Being released this year

Lemonade Springs -- Still looking for this one
Matrix of Art -- Still looking for this one

Moonlight and Wine -- Edit: Not yet released
Purple Reprise -- Edit: Found this one!
Touched by Grace -- Edit: Found this one!

I'd appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks! Ev =)

This message was edited Jul 31, 2009 8:25 PM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I assume you contacted Walter. He usually knows who carries his irises.

Baton Rouge, LA

Polly, actually, I hadn't emailed Walter yet. I put together a buying list last season of which of his cultivars were available from which growers... and he was a terrific help. I've already checked all of the growers that he said regularly carry his newer cultivars. I was hoping perhaps someone knew of an individual who grows and sells on eBay or the forums.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Walter has been on Gardenweb for years. He really likes talking irises. I think he would be thrilled if you asked. He did have a business, so may have some of the ones you listed to sell?

And hopefully someone will come along that will have some, or know where some are. I have a few of his, myself, but none of those.

Good luck. Your project is very interesting, and I'm sure it will be helpful to many.

South Hamilton, MA

Try Rocky Top gardens in TN. There is a website.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I did a search for Lemonade Springs, as I recall that name. I see Walter was selling it in 2004, so he may still have it. Also a DG member Margie was trying to buy it, and I know she sells irises too, so she may have it.


Baton Rouge, LA

Polly, I used to post over on GardenWeb fairly often, and Walter and I emailed back and forth quite a bit for the first few months of my iris project. Many of the people over there were very helpful in getting me started with irises. I ended up sticking with DG as a regular forum after the experiment was running smoothly. I enjoy all the lovely folks over in the DG Roses forum, which I consider my "garden home".

Last season, Walter told me that he no longer sold his older cultivars personally, but referred folks to other growers who purchased them. I think only his newest cultivars are available directly from him. Lemonade Springs was registered in 2003, so it's consistent that he was selling it the first year (2004). Roger over at Superstition told me that they used to grow quite a few of the cultivars on my list, but that they no longer grow them. I'm sure some people must have purchased from Superstition and would have good increases by now. I can only hope to find one of these people! I'll send Margie a dmail too... thanks for the heads up!

IrisMA, thanks for the Rocky Top referral. I'll check them out as well. I already ran through all the listings for BlueJ, My Wild Iris Rows (CA), Wild Iris Rows (TN), and Iris4U with no luck there either. I'm just not sure who else is reputable, as many of the listings on the WatchDog have no recent reviews.

This message was edited Jul 29, 2009 2:07 PM

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Rocky Top gardens is only selling local this year.

Baton Rouge, LA

Oh... I already sent an email to them via the link on Garden Watchdog. That might explain why they haven't responded. Thanks for the heads up.

South Hamilton, MA

Don't think so as we have his catalog.

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Its posted on his website and I've had contact via e-mail with him, unless he changed his mind. I ordered from him last year and of the ones the bloomed they all have been "True to name".

Baton Rouge, LA

Okay, I have some new info. Foggy Mist and Cloud Illusion were to be offered this season by Mr. Moores, but they have had way too much rain in MIssissippi. Mr. Moores said the rhizomes will not be ready for sale this season. Moonlight and Wine hasn't been introduced yet, but should be available next year. So, I will try to get those three directly from Mr. Moores next year. =)

I saw Purple Reprise listed in an old catalog of Rockytop and I've written to them in hopes that they will sell to me even if they are just focusing on local purchases this year. Perhaps there is someone here who trades locally with Rockytop that would be willing to take PayPal from me to pick up a few rhizomes? (Please, please, please... I'm begging! I could even throw in some named Louisiana iris cultivars as a thank you!!!!)

Lemonade Springs and Matrix of Art were carried by Superstition before, but are no longer being grown there. I can't find them anywhere else. Does anyone know someone who grows these?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

So, is Walter still going to be selling irises? That would be great.

Baton Rouge, LA

Polly, Walter told me that he had actually planned to sell his three most recent introductions this year (Cloud Illusion, Foggy Mist, and Night Train to Memphis), and he had even placed an ad in the AIS Bulletin for July. But, with all the rain, he said the rhizomes will not be ready to sell this season. I'm sure he will be selling them next season, though. He doesn't sell his past introductions, but if you're looking for one of his cultivars that isn't in my list above, let me know. I've compiled a list of where to find most of his cultivars this season. There are only a very few that I haven't been able to find.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks. I have a few of his older ones, already, and love them. But none you are looking for, darn.

I just really like Walter, and I would like to support his hybridizing efforts, and would porobably purchase a new one.

I love the name Night Train To Memphis! I'll have to go see the picture.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It's a beauty!


Baton Rouge, LA

Polly, Night Train to Mempihs is a GORGEOUS one! I love how dark it is... positively black in some parts. That one is also being grown and sold by Superstition this year. It's on my order that should arrive in late August.

Now I've just got to find a friendly DG'er who lives in Eagleville, TN! =P

This message was edited Jul 30, 2009 8:17 PM

Winnsboro, TX

I don't have a clue where you can get them. I do have several of Walters irises too.
Lemon Chess
Chocolate Chess
and I don't recall the others off the top of my head.

Good luck with your search and let us know how it turns out.
Happy Gardening, Marian

Winnsboro, TX

I'm wondering if Lee Mincy might have some of Walters Irises. Lee is also from Garden Web. It might be worth checking into. He is a delightful person to talk to and trade with. I forget how many hundreds of irises he has besides all of the Dykes winners and a ton of Historics, but it's a ton.

See if you can't contact him and tell him Marian gave you the info.
Happy Gardening, and good luck with your quest.

Baton Rouge, LA

I have a correction to post to DaLoveRat's post above. I just talked with Phil at Rockytop Gardens and they are definitely doing mail orders this year. Phil said that about 99% of their business comes from mail orders. They also just uploaded a brand new website about six weeks ago. Here's the address:


You can place orders via telephone with a credit card or you can mail them in. I was able to order two of the cultivars on my "wish list" above. YAY!

Baton Rouge, LA

Alrighty, as mentioned before, I have a list of which of Mr. Moores cultivars are available from which grower. Hopefully this will help someone else who is a fan of Mr. Moores. Here's the list (Karma, I'm also emailing it to you):

Availability of Cultivars Hybridized by Walter Moores as of Spring 2009
(Name of grower is followed by most recent year the cultivar was included in catalog)

America's Team (TB) --R1997 -- Nicholls 09
Aril Reverie (AB) -- R1988 -- Andiris Gardens 09
ASCII Art (TB) -- R1995 -- My Wild Iris Rows (CA) 09, Napa Country 09, Prevost 09
Azure Reprise (TB) -- R1994 -- Sutton's 08 -- Cannot find current grower
Burnt Offering (TB) -- R1976 -- C&T 09
Calico Ruffles (TB) -- R1991 -- Bluebird Haven 09, C&T 08
Chocolate Chess (TB) -- R1997 -- Iris4U 09, Malevil 08
Cloud Illusion (TB) -- R2008 -- To be released this year by Mr. Moores
Confederate Muster (TB) -- R1999 -- Cannot find current grower
Confederate Royalty (TB) -- R1994 -- BlueJ 09, Iris City Gardens 09, Prevost 09
Cranberry Cordial (TB) -- R1999 -- BlueJ 09, Malevil 09, Prevost 09, Superstition 09, C&T 08
Dante's Inferno (TB) -- R1978 -- Bluebird Haven 09, C&T 09, Prevost 09, Sutton's 08
Desiderata (TB) -- R1978 -- C&T 09
Dime Spot (TB) -- R1984 -- BlueJ 09, C&T 09, Prevost 09, The Iris Farm 09
Drifting Confetti (TB) -- R1984 -- Cannot find current grower
Esalan (AB) -- R1988 -- Malevil 09
Face Powder (BB) -- R1978 -- Cannot find current grower
Fall Spotlight (TB) -- R1990 -- C&T 09, Daylily Haven 09, Prevost 09
Fleshtones (TB) -- R1978 -- Cannot find current grower
Flying Down to Rio (TB) -- R2005 -- Malevil 09, MidAmerica 09, Rockytop Gardens 09, Superstition 09
Foggy Mist -- R2009 -- To be released this year by Mr. Moores
Follow the Fleet (TB) -- R2000 -- Malevil 09, Prevost 09, Sutton's 09, C&T 08
French Provencal (TB) -- R1984 -- Cannot find current grower
Garnet Etching (TB) -- R1999 -- BlueJ 09, TNTigger 09, Prevost 08
Gold Reprise (TB) -- R1987 -- BlueJ 09, Daylily Haven 09, Nicholls 09, Prevost 09
Grandville (TB) -- R1976 -- Daylily Haven 09
Grape Reprise (TB) -- R1994 -- C&T 09, Daylily Haven 09, Sutton's 08
Haunting Music (TB) -- R1977 -- Cannot find current grower
Hawaiian Surf (TB) -- R1982 -- C&T 09, Daylily Haven 09, The Iris Farm 09
Kuala Lumpur (AB) -- R1986 -- Malevil 09
Lake Reprise (TB) -- R1989 -- BlueJ 09, C&T 09, Daylily Haven 09, Prevost 09, Sutton's 09
Lavender Reflection (TB) -- R2003 -- Superstition 09
Lemon Chess (TB) -- R1995 -- BlueJ 09, C&T 09, Prevost 09, Superstition 09, The Iris Farm 09, Wild Iris Rows (TN) 09
Lemonade Springs (TB) -- R2003 -- Cannot find current grower
Libra Star (TB) -- R1998 -- Daylily Haven 09, Superstition 09
Light on Snow (TB) -- R2005 -- Superstition 09
Matrix of Art (TB) -- R2004 - Cannot find current grower
Miniver Rose (TB) -- R2006 -- Malevil 09, Rockytop Gardens 09, Superstition 09
Miss Scarlett (BB) -- R1979 -- Woodland 08 (now closed) -- Cannot find current grower
Monterrey Jack (TB) -- R1983 -- Cannot find current grower
Moonlight and Wine -- R ? -- Not yet released
Night Train to Memphis (TB) -- R2008 -- Superstition 09
Ode to Kalifa (AB) -- R1978 -- Malevil 09
Off Broadway (TB) -- R1991 -- Daylily Haven 09, Prevost 09, Shadowood 09
Olympic Rings (TB) -- R1989 -- Prevost 09, C&T 08
Palo Pinto (TB) -- R1981 -- BlueJ 09, C&T 09, Prevost 09
Pansy Parade (TB) -- R2004 -- Malevil 09, Rockytop Gardens 09, Superstition 09
Peach Reprise (BB) -- R1981 -- Prevost 09, C&T 08, Sutton's 08
Pepper Blend (TB) -- R1976 -- BlueJ 09, C&T 09
Pinch of Spice (BB) -- R1983 -- Cannot find current grower
Pink Reprise (BB) -- R1991 -- BlueJ 09, Prevost 09
Pink Sachet (TB) -- R1978 -- BlueJ 09
Prince of Earl (TB) -- R1988 -- BlueJ 09, C&T 09, Prevost 09
Purgatory (TB) -- R1983 -- C&T 09, Napa Country 09, Superstition 09, The Iris Farm 09
Purple Reprise (TB) -- R2006 -- Rockytop Gardens 09
Ranchipur (AB) -- R1987 -- Cannot find current grower
Rudi (TB) -- R1983 -- Cannot find current grower
Scorpio Snow (TB) -- R1994 -- Cannot find current grower
Scorpio Star (TB) -- R1994 -- Daylily Haven 09
Scrimshaw (TB) -- R1983 -- Bluebird Haven 09
Shore Patrol (TB) -- R2001 -- Iris4U 09
Silent Screen (TB) -- R1988 -- Cannot find current grower
Soft Halo (TB) -- R1982 -- Cannot find current grower
Spiked Punch (TB) -- R1980 -- Woodland 08 (now closed) -- Cannot find current grower
Style Conscious (TB) -- R1986 -- Cannot find current grower
Summer Surf (TB) -- R1990 -- Cannot find current grower
Sunshine Lady (TB) -- R2004 -- Malevil 09, Rockytop Gardens 09, Snowpeak 09, Superstition 09
Top Stitch (BB) -- R1980 -- Cannot find current grower
Touched by Grace (IB) -- R2006 -- Rockytop Gardens 09, Superstition 09
Tulip Light (TB) -- R1984 -- Cannot find current grower
Two Different Worlds (TB) -- R2000 -- The Iris Farm 09
Valentine Romance (TB) -- R2007 -- Rockytop Gardens 09, Superstition 09
Violet Reprise (TB) -- R1993 -- Bluebird Haven 09, BlueJ 09, C&T 09, Daylily Haven 09, Nicholls 09, Prevost 09
Violet Shimmer (TB) -- R1995 -- BlueJ 09, Daylily Haven 09, Malevil 08
Waltz Across Texas (TB) -- R1986 -- C&T 09, Nicholls 09, Prevost 09, The Iris Farm 09
Warm Puppy (IB) -- R1997 -- Shadowood 09
White Reprise (TB) -- R1984 -- C&T 09, Daylily Haven 09, Nicholls 09
Yellow Reprise (TB) -- R1978 -- Cannot find current grower

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Confederate Muster had been available earlier at the Lily Auction from seller Onceinabluemoon. She was charging $6.00 plus shipping.


Baton Rouge, LA

Roni, how do I contact Onceinabluemoon? I couldn't find any current auctions from him/her on Lily Auction, so I'm unsure how to make contact. Thanks for any info!

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

I'd like to say opps and sorry to the folks at Rocky Top I got them confused with the folks at Mountain Top which I ordered from last year Mountain Top website is down too maybe they are taking a break from the iris business, again I was wrong about "Rocky Top".

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Ah, Mountaintop. I went to order from them this year, and saw the website was down. I did order two years ago, and the irises were nice. I remember seeing the owners pic on the website, and he was an older man. Hopefully no health problems.

Thanks for the list Blissfulgarden!

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

try contacting her via her blog: she notes that if you are looking for a particular iris, just post a comment. http://onceinabluemooniris.blogspot.com/2009/05/bearded-iris.html

I bought irises from her at the LA a few years back. They were true to name and very healthy rhizomes.

Hope this helps.


Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks, Roni... I truly appreciate your help! Evey =)

P.S. - You're welcome, Polly. BTW, what is the address for your iris website?

This message was edited Jul 31, 2009 9:18 PM

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Polly's website = http://www.siberianirisgardens.com/

i had to follow pollyk to subscriber info page, to products for sale, to individual listing to garden watchdog to website when I first found it. LOL


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Good detecting Roni!

I don't think we're supposed to list our own websites on here, so I appreciate you looking it up.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

that'll cost ya a few sibs ;-) you can pay up this fall. LOL.

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks, Roni. You are a WEALTH of info! =)

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

You're welcome. Sometimes on rainy days it's fun getting to play detective.

Baton Rouge, LA

Sooo, I just looked at all the beautiful photos on your site, Polly. I've been an avid grower of Louisianas for most of my life, and I have experience with beardeds as well. But, I know nothing about Siberians. What is their favorite growing environment? I'm guessing the name tells all (Siberia=cold), and that they would not do well here. But, Louisianas will grow practically anywhere, so I could be wrong to assume from the name!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Roni---you got it! But I think you said spring, LOL.

Blissful Garden,

Siberian Iris are actually not native to Siberia. They are in the series Sibiricae, and how anyone got siberian from that is a mystery. They are native to Northern Italy, Turkey and SE Russia. They are listed hardy zones 3-9 in Currier McEwens book, which is considered the bible on siberians. Other places list them all the way up to Z2-10. I have never had a customer from Louisiana, but I would suspect they would grow there. Their needs are mainly water to get established. If I were you I would look around to see if any one there is growing them, and cautiously try one. Or, if anyone grows Japanese the siberians will grow well too. Maybe that could be a new experiment? I would try a hardy variety, probably a tetraploid, like Coronation Anthem, especially one that is a rebloomer like that, as I think the only problem you might have would be lack of blooms due to not enough cooling. If you can find one locally in a pot, I would try it, and if you do please let us know how it does.

Baton Rouge, LA

Hmmm, okay... SE Russia actually has summers that get as hot and humid as we do. Our exchange student was from Kostroma, and we went to visit her for a month during the summer between her two stays here. Surprisingly, it felt just like home, except that the sun stayed out until midnight! The cooling period would be the only question. Unfortunately, three of the four local nurseries here (yes, truly, only four) do not carry many plants that are uncommon to our area. That doesn't mean a plant can't grow here; it just means no one is asking for it here, probably because they've never seen it (because no one stocks it!). Clematis is a good example... mine is doing very well, but I could only find a few cultivars available at one of the nurseries. No other nursery carried clematis at all. The fourth nursery here is notorious for stocking plants that definitely will not grow here and claiming that they will, so finding a Siberian there wouldn't be much of an indication of growability.

I'll do a bit of research on them between now and next spring and then give a few a try! I'm sure someone in the Southern Iris Society will have some info about them. =)

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I would appreciate it if you let me know how they do if you decide to try them.

Baton Rouge, LA

LOL, Polly... once I learn more about their culture, I'm sure I will order them from you!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I'll look forward to it. Thanks.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Polly is right again, I did mean spring ;-) LOL. You know I'm just funnin' right? No payment is required for helping a fellow DGer get the information she needs or to enable others to find a new great online garden. :D


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I know you're just funnin'. I'll just keep that nice special iris for myself, LOL.

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