Finally, something positive to report!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I harvested my first tomato today!!! :)

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Yippie! With this cool, wet summer we're having here, the tomatoes are taking forever. We've only had a couple ripen so far and they were small.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

This is the very first time I've tried growing tomatoes and was getting very disappointed that I would get flowers but not fruit. Last week I found one green tomato the size of my ring finger and was so excited. DH told me this morning he counted 10 little green balls. Now I'M excited.

I really thought I would get no maters. But I just might get to see red ones after all.

I went out after posting this and I counted 13!!!!! yeay

This message was edited Jul 29, 2009 2:13 PM

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5b)

jcoakley yours seem really early - lucky you, you're the first person I've heard say they got a tomato far enough along to eat!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I bought 3 varieties this year, and I believe this one was supposed to mature in 60 days. I can't tell you the name as DH, who I cannot get to pick up any of his clutter inside the house, decided to be a neatnik in the garden and throw away the tomato tags . . . grr.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

WE have cherry tomatoes, they were tagged grape,they look nothing like the ones we had last yr,same grower,but he is getting really old.Last yr he forgot to start his brandywine,so does anyone know what this one is?? they are really tasty,tender skin too.

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

They are heirloom grape,went to an heirloom tomato festival,going to save seed,they are so sweet yumm

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