Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #38

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's a new thread....

We came from here === > .... # 37

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Home for a few days .... enjoying the gardens out back.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Okay, I totally lost you all for a while, and I missed you. : (
But I found you again! : )
Who ever sent me the shrimp plant, thank you. I love it's delicate beauty. I've repotted it, and it is starting to send out lateral (?) branches near the base. The flowers are just gorgeous! I really love them. So much so that I'm sending two photos of them.
Thank you!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Second photo. I love these guys!
Really sad that the yellow morning glorys all died. Sniffle, sigh, : (
Life has been chaotic this year, and I never did get to plant all the seeds I received. Don't know if I should try planting any more, or just wait until next year. The lupine and the poppies were great when direct sowed, must be my climate.
I'll be around more and let you know how my garden grows. LOL!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

SW -- i too did not get a chance to sow all the seed varieties.

though this morning i found a lil red coreopsis ... cute lil delicate flower. i think i got them from either Jonna or Tuink. [i'd have to look that up] It's very much like Plains Coreopsis ... i'll have to look up the real name on it though.

I just moved the Coreopsis Limerock Dream ... it was not getting enough water way out back. so i potted it up and gave it some Thrive ... hopefully it's not toast.

I also lost a Agastache Apricot Spire [sp?] -- again, lack of water. sniff sniff. i really wanted that one.

I really feel for those in the horrid drought states. we are dry, but not that dry. I"m hoping for more rain today. we had a storm go thru last night, but this morning, the soil was still dry. so maybe we didnt get a lot of rain... though it was windy.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Quick post.....

Neal I got some of your wine/lavender dahlias and some of them are blooming that color and some are blooming orange! I DID have some orange seeds of my own so there's a possibility that I mixed them up, but I didn't think so. I need new batteries for the trip to town I'll get some and snap some pics.

Re the coleus: I grow tons of them....well over 100 varieties and I know that some of them have never gone to seed for me. I always count that as a blessing though. LOL.

SW I grew shrimp plant this year too but mine are a different color. They're seeding like crazy so I'll have plenty to share and I sure would like to have a few of yours too!

I'm enjoying all the pictures. Everyone sure has some beautiful gardens this year.

I'll BB when things aren't so hectic. Happy gardening all!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Glad ya abl to drop in Singign Wolf. Think alot of us have alot of things we didnt get time for btu ther e always this fall adn wintr to sow for next year.

Lala. I havenevr seenseed from a shrimp plant. Didn't even knwo they really mad e any seed.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

OMGosh Star there are tons of seeds on the Kiwi Blue. They remind me of 4'Oclock seeds - they're not the same shape but they're about the same size, they're plentiful, and I'm seeing them scattered on the ground everywhere. When I first noticed them on the plants I was going to pick them off, but when I started pushing the foliage around I noticed that all I have to do is pick them up off the ground. I even started a few to make sure they're viable before offering them up for trade.

Sadly my coral bells and snowhill salvia have not been as forthcoming. I started a tray of both of them but all I've got coming up is something left-over from this past winter's sowing. By the looks of the long thin blades I either sowed Bupleurum or Millet in those containers last time around. LOL

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I forgot that I wanted to add a note to SW. I think you may be responsible for my funnest gardening area this year. With the exception of a salsa garden I've never done any veggies, but this year I added zucchini, squash, okra, 2 of your gourds and 2 of your corns. I had no idea how well they'd perform, especially the corn since I was planting so little of it, but they are growing like gangbusters. The only one that hasn't performed well was the strawberry popcorn, but like I said I only made a patch with about 12 stalks so I was prepared for that. The ornamental corn is tossling though and looks like it was planted in the farmer's field. Fun stuff!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lala... Cool. On the seeds. Ya sur e they comign from the Kewi Blue? You did good especialyl to get a bunch fo seed too. Hoep ya gatherign some up for swap. : )

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm here! Don't want to miss out on the new thread! : )

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

They are most definitely from the cerinthe Star. If you look at the plant itself they're LOADED with seeds. They look just like the ones we bought in the co-op...big odd-shaped pips. And yep, I'm gathering them as they fall. I have a snack-sized baggie about 1/2 full already. I hope SW gathers hers too. I'd love to have some of that pretty pink one.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Pink one!!!!!!! I must have missed soemthign somewhere cuz have onyl seen the kewie in purples and blue shades.

Ok, SW what ya got pinka dn what did i miss. Not far , if ther e a pinkone I want it!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

La, that's so cool about the orange Dahlia showing up- can't wait to see a pic of it! I wonder if there was some cross pollination going on? I'm so loving the Dahlias this year, this lovely growing season we're having is doing its magic.

SingingWolf, that looks like some kind of Salvia, brings Coral Nymph to mind. It may also be known as Shrimp Plant, often several plants share a common name.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Look up at the 2nd and 3rd posts of this thread Star. Of course colors can be deceiving in a picture, but those sure look pink to me.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hummmmmmmmm. Hard for me to tell.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I will look for seeds on the plant, but it doesn't grow like the salvias I know. It is bushing out at the base. I'll have to go take a photo to show you. You could be right, I'd have to look up the RID. I just know that I'm loving it. I'm already collecting some seeds. My beautiful oriental poppies, the bower vine. Some folks out here in CA actually like my variously colored 4 O'clocks, so I'm separating them by color. Not that it is any guarantee they'll be that color, but hey, you take your chances. I'm watching the seed pods on the wisteria, and still have a big bucket full from last year too.
LaLa, glad you are enjoying the ornamental corn, but sorry the strawberry popcorn didn't come up. Some of the things I planted did not grow well here. Some are kicking butt. I guess I'd better go make a list too. LOL! I do have a bunch of Lantana seeds that sprouted, and I hope that they keep doing it. They are so much fun!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I agree with Star it looks just like Salvia Coral Nymph. : ) I grew them last year, Shrimp Plant could be another common name for them but their species is Salvia coccinea. Here's a PF so you can compare.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

After I looked at the "connectors" on SW's picture (one of these days I'll learn the real names for all the flower parts, but for now they're connectors) I have to jump on the Coral Nymph bandwagon too. I posted this picture in the last thread but I'll put it up again for SW to use and compare. The blue-green plant is the shrimp plant. The flowers themselves are pretty tiny and delicate...but that's about it. Darn shame too. I was looking forward to a pink shrimp plant. LOL.

Star - each one of the *ahem* connectors on the cerinth has one or two big black seeds in it. I'll post a picture of the ones I've collected. They're about the size of a pea.

Thumbnail by Lala_Jane
North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Shrimp plant seeds

Thumbnail by Lala_Jane
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Man oh man you hit the jackpot for sure!!!!!!!! : )

Way to go , especially afetr the poor start and almost near death them plants had. Proud of ya girlfriend. : )

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey gang!! Sorry for being gone for so long, but it's been a wild one here. The economy sent my little business right off a cliff so I'm looking for that elusive part-time job :-) Over 2/3 of my seedlings were devoured by aphids this spring, which turned out to be a sign, as we had to have the front yard ravaged to put in new cleanouts for the sewer line. We lost the Japanese Maple in the front (the little bugger was the cause of the sewer line problems) and have yet to get all the issues resolved, so the front yard is continuing as a "work in progress". I managed to save my perennials and got them either in my yard or down to my sis's. In the meantime, she and I are still gathering seeds from as many plants as we see have 'em - LOL!

Edited to add: while we lost the Japanese Maple, we've replaced it with a Contorted Locust (it's still a baby):

This message was edited Jul 30, 2009 12:19 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Robyn! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man you are havign it rough aren't ya. Didn't think them Maple's would caus e such a problem. Gld youw ere able to save soem of yoru plants and hoping that thinsg get better for ya all the ay around her e soem Hugs.. know ya need them.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you! I shoulda asked where the water lines ran before we bought the house :-) and that would have told me why that tree looked so darned healthy all the time. Thanks for the Birthday wishes and the hugs, they're very much appreciated. I got to spend my birthday with my sis and her family - eating chocolate cake and laughing at the baby sheep and goats, and snooping through her garden for seeds. Fun all around!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Went out and read the tag on the plant and it said "Guppy Plant". Took photos this morning to show you. Will have more to talk about am taking camera and notebook on my next trip. LOL!
Cheering me up to be happy with what I was able to grow. Still bummed about those yellow Morning Glories. The heat must have done them in. I wonder if that pretty guppy plant will grow outside in my climate. Got to find the right name.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lol.. Guppy Plant. what a cut e name. heheheheh Now even if ya get the right name wil always look at it as a guppy plant. And we wodner how common name s begin. ; )

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Meredith, thanks for the Verbena hastata confirmation :)

Happy belated Birthday Dryad

Hi SW :))) Your ginseng plants seem very happy and have been blooming little pink blooms. There seems to be a large brown root at the surface of the soil. Does that happen with yours? And do you happen to know the hardiness zones? I'm wondering if I should keep it potted and bring it in for the winter.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wind.... How did you germinate yoru ginsing? I got some from Sw tooand planted a coupel , but haven't had anyluck with them so far? I be doing something wrong for sure, especially if yougot blooms.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Star, I surface sowed them and they took 14 days to germinate. The seeds reminded me of amaranth seeds, small and round, and they germinated like them too -- a lot. I planted a cluster of them in one pot. All of the ginseng seeds I could find online didn't look like these though, if I recall. I hope yours germinate next time around :) I'll see if I can get and post a photo.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

happy belated b-day dryad!! i'm loving all your flower pictures y'all!! keep them coming. i can't wait to start planting for next year. already planning for winter sowing. LOL. i guess i could start with some fall bulbs. i'm not exaggerating - my yard is BARE. however, i have to dig up sod to plant anything, so i'll be trying to lasagna some areas for spring.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wind.. Maybe I shoudl try that I didn't surfac e sow mine just lightly covered. I ha d downlaide d all kidns of information on tryign to grow them and trie dit but it didnt work. Gonna try your way now.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Truth to tell I don't deliberately sow them. My EB#1 gave me the first plant and then they self sowed. They seem to like rich and damp soil. They can handle really hot temps as long as they get enough water. I don't think they are the regular kind of ginseng. The root should be covered, and will get bigger year after year. Don't know their hardiness zone, but suspect they die back then send up new shoots. Mine are in the gh, and are green all year long.
Just toss the seed on top of the dirt and bottom water. They should grow for you. BTW, that root gets bigger every year, and can be used as regular ginseng for spice or medicine. The bigger it is the more valuable if you wanted to sell them. Mine seem to grow best in part shade but can take some sun. Discovered while on vacation that someone had messed with the thermostat in there. It got up to 130 degrees at some point. Most everything survived. Including the ginseng.
About the guppy plant. Took photos and it seems you all were right. That's why I like hanging out with you! Any way she said, "That's salvia coccinea....either Brenthurst or Coral Nymph, they're quite similar. Will grow in full sun, but does much better in part shade." I think it is the Coral Nymph. I really do love it.
wind~, Chelle, starlight and dryad, so glad to hear from you all. Chelle, how are you liking OK? Sorry we couldn't have met up when I was there. wind~, never did hear how you enjoyed your trip to our part (sort of) of the world. I know you met up with DesertPirate. Isn't he great! For a newbie, he catches on quick!
Sending a couple of photos of the salvia coccinea or Guppy Plant! LOL!
Love these blooms.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

This one shows the leaves and tag.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I was happy to see all that new growth at the bottom of the plant. I'll repot it in a bigger pot, and just enjoy it!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Pretty plant! There's also a Gesneriad (african violet cousin, a tender plant) known as "Goldfish Plant" or "Guppy Plant", but I think that one is Salvia as you said.

Here's the other guppy plant:

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Wind! Hey Chele! Hey SW!! It's nice to be back :-) I just have to catch up on all the posts!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Here are a couple pics from the front yard....this was before we had the Jap. Maple taken down, but after the excavator's had ravaged the near side of the yard to put in the new cleanouts.

Thumbnail by dryad57
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Here's the one corner of the front that's got flowers in it - they're either bulbs or from seeds that I got in the Piggy Swaps :-)

Thumbnail by dryad57
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

And here's the Four O'Clock I got from Illoquin in the first Piggy Swap - the Broken Colors. I finally got it planted this year, and didn't lose it to the aphid infestations. Yippee!! It should have fairly true seeds as I don't have any other Four O'Clocks in the yard, and don't see any in the neighborhood.

Thumbnail by dryad57
Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

hi!! i don't think i will ever get to catch up on all the posts....had to skip to get here. lol. it IS nice to be back on. i am enjoying oklahoma very much! since i moved up a couple zones...i have new plants to learn all about!! very fun! one thing i am loving a lot is that even though it gets very hot here (compared to ohio) it cools off at night and i can sit out on the patio and enjoy the evening. in ohio when it gets hot and humid, you can't stand to be out even at night.

hi sw!! i wished i could have met up with you while you were here. we are in our busiest season at work and have appointments every day back to back, which doesn't leave any time to get other work done. i am still not unpacked at home. i hope your trip was not during our week of 108 degree weather....however, you are used to hot. my 7a is probably nice and cool compared to your 9a. ^_^

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