So what has worked or surprised you?

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

We have had a really odd spring and summer here in the northeast region. Most plants surprisingly except for some aesthetic problems from low sun levels and lots of rain have held up pretty well considering. Some that like hot dry conditions seem to be thriving like the lavenders and coneflowers. Others that you would expect to be not so happy are showing their not so pretty side. Hollyhock, iris and some DLs are getting pretty nasty. Lots of brown slimed stems including some phlox and clematis even. The hydrangeas on the other hand have grown and are very happy, likewise the hosta and coral bells. Monardas need spraying for mildew but grew very tall and are blooming well. What has been extra happy or sad in your garden this cloudy, cool and wet year. Besides the slugs that is.

Thumbnail by ngam
North Augusta, ON

Everything is happy and I must say the blooming time is lasting much longer with the cool weather. Like you there is lots of mildewy leaves...just the monarda and phlox here. My lilies have record numbers of blooms...

Thumbnail by threegardeners
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I had a surprise yellow glad show up this year. Of course I had to bring it inside with some others since the rain knocked them down.

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

that is a great lily 3!!

North Augusta, ON

Thanks! He's out done himself this year...and scented too!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I had LOVELY lobelia, until the weather warmed up. Of course, I could hardly get outside to see them.

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Lilies seemed to do well here also except the stems that got slimed and turned brown on some the slugs climbed. Yours look really nice 3Gs and you can't beat the fragrance.
Surprises are always nice, pretty glads Jen. The rain has knocked down my delphs too and the storms always seems to blow in just when they are looking full and pretty. Your glads look nice in a bouquet though, cheerful on a rainy day.
Carrie most of my potted annuals just kinda sat there until we got a few more sunny warmer days. That is such a pretty blue.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

They're pretty shriveled, now.

North Augusta, ON

ya...that's the thing with Lobelia...they don't last a summer.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

they last the summer for me.. I just keep deadheading them

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hmmm .... even after they're slightly fried?

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

mine don't fry... lots of shade back there

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i tried winter sowing this year and the rudbeckia and foxgloves came in pretty well, as in i have what seems like 40 of each and the wet weather has kept them happy after planting - one problem is i planted the foxglove behind the different rudbeckia and they are too small there. thought the fg would bloom first then be blocked by the rub. later in the year- i have some fg blooming now - maybe next year it will work out
also have two jm's that are struggling with all this wet weather - one lost all of its leaves and fortunately has already leafed out again, it is in a pot so now if rain is in the forecast it goes under cover - the other is in the ground on a slope and planted in a raised single bed - think i need to raise this one even more and do some praying - it also has lost leaves and does has some minor new growth - do not want to lose it.

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