trumpet vine, indian summer

New York, NY

This is the new trumpet that only grows 15 feet -- pls not trumpet horror stories -- it's well behaved. I planted it three years ago. Before this year, I pruned but did not fertilize. No blooms. This year, I did not prune it and fertilized it and it seems to have about the same growth as last year plus some laterals. Still not a bloom to be seen. It gets enough sun and water. It's grown about 9 feet. My neighbor bought it at the same time I did and she has even better conditions than me and no blooms either. Any suggestions for next year? Should I be pinching it back?


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Found this which might answer your question.


New York, NY

Thanks. That was the answer I was fearing. of course my neighbor who planted not one, but two monster trumpets have a full flush of flowers, but hers was an older vine than mine. So I will wait.

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