Clematis in the Philippines?

Elgin, IL

I'm trying to research this for a friend who is going to retire in the Philippines.I've found some that will grow as far south as zone 11, but I can't find any specific info. Would zones 9-11 be similar to the Philippines? I've googled until my eyes couldn't take it anymore, but I can't find anything that says they will or they won't grow there. Does anyone have any advice or info on this?

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Check this link.
Hope this helps.


Elgin, IL

Thanks paonica, just what I needed! I'm sure she can figure it out from there.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Your welcome.


Delaware, OH

pajonica, nice to meet you and see you posting here on DG. do you have a clem collection or is this a new interest of yours?
what is your growing climate like? what is your favorite clematis? interested in the differences, types avialable etc.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Hi ClematisGuru I've not grown any clems since coming to live in Japan 3 years ago. I did however grow
them back in the UK. My favorite was a hugh montana. Here in Japan I am very much a beginner primarily
due to the very different conditions, both in terms of weather and soil type, seems everything I knew goes out
of the window here. Climate, 4 seasons, winter in my area is very dry and sunny frosts are quite rare, worst case perhaps -2c, Spring again is on the dry side and sunny, little chance of frost after February.
late spring/early summer is very pleasant with a little more rain. Mid June the rainy season begins and through
July becoming very hot and humid raining most days. August hot humid as is September when the second
rainy period starts, with the odd typhoon thrown in for good measure. October, known as the month of cool,
the day temperature drops into the mid 20s c, gradually falling through November/December.
Soil type, rich well drained sandy loam reddish in color PH 6.5, so a little acidic. I am planning growing some
clems for next season but need to research the best varieties for the general conditions here.
Nice to meet you too and thanks for your interest.


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