Whats up with my Pink DD??

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

You experts might be able to tell me what happened. 2 years ago I bought 2 1 gal blooming Pink Dbl Deckers so I knew that was what they were. When planting there were a single plant in each. Last summer one bloomed with no petals at all and the other had small green petals at the side and nothing on top. This year I lost one and the one that had the green petals is doing it again. No one in the neighborhood has any so it would not have set seed. HELP. Did I do something to cause this. I use no Chemicles anymore either.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Maybe not enough winter drainage. Did you mulch them? You are right at their end range for hardiness so that may account for the one that died. I know those tiny inch worms can eat off all the petals before a flower blooms so that might be why no petals, check the buds and feel underneath the buds too. When you say green petals do you mean a pale or bright green color. If it is a pale maybe they will turn pink as they get older. Could you post a pic? Maybe a disease of some sort. Hopefully others can give you some answers.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I have not seen any inch worm anywhere and the petals appear a rather pretty green- not unlike some varieties I have seen. I will try to get a picture a little later and check the plant again. Thanks for such a fast reply.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Well it is happening. The plant that survived which had only tiny green single petals last year finally decided to do something. Maybe they just take a cple years to get settled.

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Glad to hear it. Most perennials take two or three years to show their true selves. I'm sure the weird weather earlier this season didn't help either. Glad you are enjoying your PDDs and thanks for sharing them with us as well.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

They look good. I usually just remove bad blooms. As long as the plant looks healthy and the leaves are green, then it's usually just best to remove the bad blooms and wait until next year. If the plant looks bad for 2 years in a row, I trash it, roots and all.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Thanks so much for the for the comments. I was so glad to see it turn finally as I just loveit and wanted to try some others but was afraid to the way it looked earlier. Now I might just do that.

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