CLOSED: Find that pig!

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

Hi, Mekos is helping me find a posting of a pig planter. I think it was in a topic with a lot of postings, and I think it was a man posting. I remember for sure they showed a photo of a stadium where there was a flea market or swap meet. Then there was a pink pig container, I think it was big, but maybe I'm remembering the photo incorrectly. I think there were flowers or some other decoration on the side of the pig.
Whoever finds it will get a free banana plant. And since we're on the seed forum, I'll find some seeds, too! I think I have some Vallota.
Thanks! This is driving me crazy!
PS. The pig planter was not the topic of the post, it was somewhere down in the many postings, you know how people get off topic a bit...

This message was edited Jul 23, 2009 10:39 PM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Is this the one you're looking for? It was in a July 5th article about flea markets. All the way at the bottom . . .


Is that the pig?

Sorry forgot the picture? Loca found this one. If this is it she wins the plant and seed, let me know.

Thumbnail by mekos
Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

YES!!! Kelly, you win!
Sorry folks, it isn't pink, I was sure wrong about that. It is crazy looking though, isn't it?
No wonder I couldn't find it searching the forums!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i didnt think that was it as you said it was pink. was looking for the pink pig. did come up with other pigs in posts though. heheh way to go Kelly

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

I'm sorry. I could have sworn it was pink. I also had an inkling it might have been a post from PalmBob. But I didn't want to dmail him and ask, "do you have a pig planter?"
My reputation is shaky as it is! LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks! That has got to be just about the coolest pig I ever did see - lol. I remembered seeing it in the article not too long ago . . .

OK, THE PIG IS FOUND!!! Thanks everyone for the bloodhound noses and eyes. I told her you are the best and could find anything. YOU DID IT !!!!

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