CLOSED: What Are You Willing To Trade For It? *Seed Auction*

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome to the first official seed auction!

Up for bid is 5 RED CORAL BEAN SEEDS:

Offered By Mekos

Please bid in the form of seed you are willing to trade ONLY.

Bidding will end at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, July 26.

**Please no chatting in the thread. Post only what you are willing to bid.

The winning bidder will be notified immediately following the auction's end via d-mail and posted here on the thread.

Good Luck and have fun!

Start the bidding with seed or plant or combination of items you would trade for these seeds. How bad do you want them? Let me know what YOU would trade for them. Bids for this item will end Sunday night at 8:00pm. Winner will be notified by 8:30pm same night and new seed will be put up for bids at that time.
Edited to say, Anyone can bid- doesn't have to be a newbie.

This message was edited Jul 22, 2009 10:33 PM
Edited to say:
This thread WAS approved by the ADMINISTRATION at DG and wanted everyone to know, we are here to have fun and spread seed around. Bid any kind of seed you have. Have fun with it. Don't feel your seed may not be good enough, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT I WILL ACCEPT. I like weird and unusual plants but what I don't use will go to ROBIN for the free newbie packs, and they like it ALL. From garden seed to flower seed. So go bid and remember to have fun. I may pick more than one if I like more bids and have extra seed to trade at that time.
The MOST important thing is: HAVE FUN and meet other people with different seeds or plants.
Check in often. If you have ANY questions, D_MAIL ME in my private d-mail and I'll be happy to answer any concerns you may have. PLEASE keep this thread open for BIDS.

This message was edited Jul 28, 2009 12:50 PM

Orlando, FL

i have a quite a few Palo verde seeds also known as Jerusalem Thorn, Retama, Horse Bean, Lluvia de Oro

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 2:22 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

My bid... 6 Tiger Eye Rudbeckia seeds

Keep the bids coming , ONLY 1 more day until it ends for this one. What do YOU bid??

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I bid 7 Sesbania punicea (Scarlet Wisteria Tree) seeds.

Orlando, FL

i have a gorgeous yellow lab pup she is only 6 weeks now lol
de blond

Don't tempt me with a baby puppy. I love those! Thank God you are too far from me to go get it. Good luck on finding them good homes. Sunday night at 8:00pm is the cut off for these seed. How bad do you want them, tempt me!!! (Someone may want to look at my want list, and bid from there.) Keep the bids coming.

That scarlet wisteria is looking goooood. But Jerusalem thorn is something I don't have then there is the palm, HHHmmmmm. They all sound good. See ya tomorrow .

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

could add some Red Powderpuff seedheads ; }

Kimarj, you are really tempting me. Those are looking goooood to me. How many red powderpuff seed heads plus 7 scarlet wisteria tree seed?

Orlando, FL

hey i have red powderpuffs i just dont know how to get the seeds i have a bunch of seeds for the candle bush tree.
de blond

Be specific on the amount and what you are bidding. "Some," can mean anything. We're getting down to the wire here. Name amounts and get the bids in. Good luck, everyone !

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Is this seed auctioning new to DG? I don't remember reading about it.

Orlando, FL

yes it is join on in
de blond

Budgie, Yes, we're new. I'm putting up different seed on wednesday night and sunday night. If you want the seed up on auction, you bid by how much you want it. This one ends tonight at 8:00pm and the new seeds will go up at 8:30pm. They will be there until wednesday night, etc. Each ending night the winner of the auction will be announced just before new seeds go up. Seeds will be mailed the next morning after ending action. If you are interested in the 5 coral bean seed, place your bid now. Time's a waisting!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i have the strawberry corn youre wanting,10 seeds or more?

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, I just didn't remember reading anywhere about seed auctions being approved. Unique concept. Where do the seeds come from and who gets the winning bid?

WOW, Now someone is looking at my want list. This is getting interesting! I'm tempted!

They're my seeds and I make the trades. We are just trading seeds. It's just a different way to say-I have these seed to trade- what you got to trade for them?
Edited to say, When I end up with lots of seeds, I send them to arejay59 for the newbies. This way there are different seeds instead of a lot of one kind and others get some they are looking for and Me too. I've sent seeds to her a couple times already. Just started this auction and thought I'd see how it goes.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 3:48 PM

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

OK Just confusing as someone else started the thread. It looked like something new starting.

CUE_CHIK made the thread for me, because I'm new at the computer and didn't know how. It's always been for this auction. If there is a problem you can d-mail me as this space is for the auction.
If you READ the first thread, you will see that it says cue started it for mekos, that would be me, I'm sorry, I didn't see anything confusing. We just want everyone to have fun and distribute new seeds around. Anyone who wants to participate can, all extra seeds will go to the newbie cause. I already sent many seed to arejay59 for the newbies and will continue to send more as they build up on me.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 5:03 PM

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Wow just got back in : ) 10 powderpuff seed heads! is what I meant by some ; }

Orlando, FL

mekos are you back
for those who are waiting mekos might be a little late

Quote:The air compressor went out on my truck and my son is going to put one on for me so I got to go for a while. Sure hope I can get back before 8. If I'm late will you go on and explain that I will be back in a few minutes

she will be here i have faith in her

Hi everyone, I'm sorry I was late. Thank you Blondie. Since there was a question earlier about if this thread was approved by management or not, I d-mailed the management to ask. I haven't headr back yet so I figure that some of you will be very LUCKY tonight . Since kimrj, moretz, starlight and Blondie made bids for the seeds, IF you will d-mail me your address info, I am going to send you FREE -nothing to send in return, Red coral bean seeds. The next auction item will be named shortly and by Wednesday I should have heard from the management on our game. So we will continue to take bids until I hear that we can't. Thank you so much. Will be back on shortly with name of next seed to bid on. Mekos

SO, now, all the ones that made bids and left them ON here, get the seeds this week. ALL 4 of you. The seeds for the next 3 days ending wednesday night at 8:00pm are-----5 PUYA- the Metalic Blue.Here is a picture and you will need to google for directions on how to sow and what zone etc.

5 seeds - Metalic Blue- PUYA
Let the bids begin!!!!!

PS, IF management says we can't do this, auction, My appologies and I'll just do a thread of, seeds to trade , if anyone is interested.

Here is the picture of the PUYA Metalic Blue-plant blooming.
The offer is 5 seeds.

Thumbnail by mekos
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

All I asked for was some clarification. After reading the first line, I kept looking for a link to a new forum or more information on setting up auctions. I'm sure you don't need approval if it's just a new twist on trading.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

My bid:

6 Red Castor Bean seed or
25 Black Pearl Ornamental pepper seed (plant at your own risk, hehe)

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

That Puya is beautiful!

Orlando, FL

hey cue how are you by the way,? i know that feeling and it sucks, i rubbed my eyes man did it burn

Orlando, FL

oh yippe i got me some more seeds to plant thanks mekos, i hope you can continue on with this i have some seeds i just need to go thru them all and will let you know so you can auction them off or will send to arejay to give to newbies.
de blond

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Im good.. got more of it on my fingers than on my face, so they finally stopped burning earlier today. wasnt fun thats for sure.. even sticking hands in luke warm water made it seem like 1,000 F! Showers were miserable for a few days...LOL.. it was either suffer the burning of fingers from the heat of the water, or take cool showers.. either way, was miserable.

did try my own remedt tho.. seemed to help. I dabble in herbal remedies, and i know that peppermint has a natural cooling effect. so i made a spritz from afew drops of peppermint EO and distilled water... it burned a bit at first, but then the cooling effect began and worked like a charm... and havent felt it burn since.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 8:59 PM

Orlando, FL

good to know so when i decide to ever get peppers i will have that ready lol

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

My bid for the PUYA:

5 Japanese Sago Palm seeds, 2 rooted Virginia Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana), and 3 Bird of Paradise seeds (Strelitzia reginae), with tuffs.

This bid is non-retractable.

How many years did it take for your Sapphire Towers PUYA to put out blooms? Five or Six?

Cheers ~ Łaz

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 9:18 PM

I don't know if this will work, I'm new at computers, but if it does, there is some info about the puya here.
Try that and see if it goes through and if it doesn't, I'll try to get someone else to put it on here for everyone.
Edited to say SORRY, it didn't work. That got something different. I'll go ask for help.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 10:46 PM

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 11:02 PM

Orlando, FL

wooow that is cooool
de blond

Thanks CUE.
Anyone wanting to see or get more information on the PUYA plants go to the site Cue set up. These are rare, and not a lot of info on them, but this site is good to ask questions on.

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