Summer GH pics

Fulton, MO

Well, I used to post pics a lot. Nautical inspired me to put up a thread with some recent pics. This is one or another plumeria, can't recall the variety at the moment.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

DC bananas; these will be removed in favor of Dw Namwah or Dw Red after they finish.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

The first Pitanga. Oddly, tasted like a really, really sweet tomato to me.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Panachee figs. Many good figs this year, including Chicago Hardy, Petite Negri, IT Honey. None of the Panache have ripened yet.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Cogshall. I had about 6 mangos further than I have ever gotten them before, but all but one have dropped early.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

The piece de resistance, Sweetheart lychees. Four years, three seasons of blooms, and meticulous hand pollination has yielded (hope you are sitting down) 15 lychees. The flavor is wonderful.

Nautical said that he and Digital Dave were making a road trip this year. He is going to have to get here quick to have a fresh lychee.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

I still want to make the trip, but am leaving in the AM to attend a family reunion in Neosho MO. Since we will all be in the same state, maybe we could all meet in Neosho and you could share the Lychees' LOL!

When I get back I will have to post a few more pics. No beautiful fruits like what you have here, but have other things that have done well.

I also had some bananas given to me, but no idea on what they are, will take some photos and see if anyone can help me identify.


Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

Great photos! That's a very pretty plumeria, and I'm so jealous of your banana stalk! I'm still waiting for mine to do something.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)


Did you start your figs from cuttings? I tried to start figs from cuttings and it was a big bomb..

You fresh fruit looks wonderful! How tall is that banana tree?

Fulton, MO

Hi Kathy Jo,

Most of my figs are from cuttings, yes. UC Davis has a program where they will send you free cuttings. Most of the ones I ordered rooted. It was winter, I gave them some bottom heat and no mist, just moist perlite/peat.

The bloom is at about 5' but the total height is about 10' tall.


Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks Stressbaby, I will look into the UC Davis program... very interesting.

I think my banana tree was from a Dave's Garden Roundup several years ago.. Maybe it was even from Digital Dave.. My banana tree lived in hibernation under an old church pew in my dining room all winter... I can't believe how funny it feels to pull a banana tree out from under a piece of furniture, pop it in the ground in the Spring and have it come back to life.. I am hoping to try this with figs..

one of these days I will have to break down and heat my little greenhouse through the winter..

Fulton, MO

Kathy Jo,

Figs are easy. My figs are in the GH only about 6-8 weeks a year. They are outside all summer, then in the fall I let them go dormant and put them in a partially heated partially lit garage, giving them just enough water to survive. They tend to leaf out in March, and once they do so, I move them to the GH until after last frost, when they come outside.

Digital Dave has figs outside, in the ground by the pool.


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Very nice SB!! You really do have the makings of a fruit stand going! I have never seen variegated figs before. That pitanga looks like a surinam cherry? Is it related?

Fulton, MO

I think pitanga is the same as surinam cherry. What did you think they tasted like?

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

If I remember correctly, they were verging on being tart-but maybe they weren't ripe enough-although I would have waited until they were bright red to eat. They weren't my favorite though. Sometimes passion fruits were like that though-some were really sweet and some weren't. Why don't you try growing mtn apples? They would be good. Not extremely sweet. I am really into watermelons right now. I eat a whole one by myself sometimes, and thats not easy with the large ones!

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