Anybody use broken concrete for raised garden bed?

Middle River, MD

from the bottom of the deck steps out thru the backyard. As if my yard couldn't get more redneckish, the cat litter bucket garden. this will be the position of the new veg bed. note the 30 yr old fence that we moved to the bottom of the yard. it barely made it and is currently put together with cable ties. However after years dealing with essentially no yard, I am loving it. I keep thanking dh for my new yard. the dog and kids love it too.

Thumbnail by philsgal
Middle River, MD

just for perspective, my son trying to escape. the veg bed will be behind him. note the bending fence. lol

I plan to take a pic of the sitting area and a better shot of the backyard later.

now I just need to get something for a bit of privacy. a privacy fence would have graffiti on it in a matter of days and planting anything along the fence is out because of the dog and the fact that would eat up too much yard. plus it would spoil the water view.


Thumbnail by philsgal
Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel... Thanks so much for the photos. What wonderful projects you have ahead of you and what a lot of work you've already done. That looks like a wonderful, cozy community. Looking at the "patio" you're going to break up, girl, you're going to have more concrete "rocks" than you've bargained for. That is at least as much as, and probably greater than, the amount I started with. You should have enough to make your raised veggie bed and then some. I can't wait to see the result. Please keep us posted.


*A big blond duh! I posted this on the wrong forum (Cottage Gardening). We are all conversing on two of them. Must have old timer's disease ... even worse ... blond old timer's! Sorry. (hanging head in shame)

Endicott, NY(Zone 5a)

RE:Post #6962371, 375
Thanks for looking at my sister's site. I actually thought there were more pictures of her garden on it, and I think I'll ask her to post more. I know she has a lot.

It looks like you have a perfect spot for a garden ... and it's great to see you have a water barrel. ...Harriet

Middle River, MD

Judy, it's good to know we'll have enough. we have alot of things we could use it for. we're thinking a raised foundation bed all along the front and side of the house over the course of a few years.

Venice i will get my soil as deep as possible. I'm hoping for at least 12" which i think means my unsettled garden should be about 24" thick. by spring it should be ready to go. Every bit of organic material i can get my hands on will be included. I will start with wetted layers of newspaper, cardboard, paperboard, maybe even some 100% cotton sheets, whatever I can get my hands on laid right on top of the grass. then on goes the organics. topped with mulch. Starbucks will give me their coffee grounds, across the street in the park, I have access to pretty much unlimited leaves, my bunnies make plenty of waste that will be used. I have a compost pile. Dump is open year round so I can pick up as many loads of mulch and compost as i can stand. It's so close multiple trips in a day are feasible.
dh should be home b4 dark today, if he is i'll be able to finish the pix

Milwaukee, WI

Im in West Allis 2 blocks from State Fair Park hence Artwestallis

(Zone 5b)

Hi Harriet! It's a big website, I'll have to look further, looked like there were some interesting links there. I have 2 rain barrels, need 1 or 2 more :)

Philsgal that is a LOT of work you've done! Just looking at that concrete made my arms sore lol looks like you'll have plenty, though. That's a cool brick rowhouse.

Judy am I missing good stuff on cottage gardening? I haven't been there yet.

Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

I think Cottage Gardening is just the cat's meow. (Dated myself, didn't I?) But I have many favorites here on Dave's. I just bought two new roses from Blissful Garden on the Roses forum and have left messages on a couple of others. I spend ENTIRELY too much time on these forums but I'm having so much fun, am learning so much, and getting help with my garden planning (and help is badly needed). It is so inspiring when you have someone to do it with you, even though they're hundreds of miles away. But I am definitely a cottage garden person and wouldn't want to miss checking that forum daily. If cottage gardening is your thing, I'd definitely check it out.


(Zone 5b)

Hugger I can't see the guy ever charging for his rocks, he's a friend and good guy.
Now that I've figured where to put them, the big tractor thingy is gone lol that's what happens when you go away for a week! Too humid now to do anything anyway.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Judy,Lynnie,Philsgal, Love the plans and pictures the only thing missing in the plans that I can see is maybe a pretty water fountain streaming over rocks into another fountain. The raised flower beds from concrete sounds great and you might even consider strawberry bed in one of those, think they would do great in GA. Good Luck Ladies enjoyed peeking in on this one.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Philsgal, don't mean to butt in, but if you don't likr the color of the concrete, you can purchase a product called concrete stain. it goes on with a common sprayer like you use for roundup and stuff. It can be used to add depth of color and create a more natural stone look to your concrete.

(Zone 5b)

flowers I do have a fountain made of stone (what else?) that I'm planning on putting in my rock garden dry creek bed fountain area :) can you tell I haven't nailed down the details yet? lol

(Zone 5b)

Moon butt in any time ;)
I moved one single rock since Aug 7th...(had to scroll up & check, yup 3 months) here it is....

Thumbnail by Lynnie6868
(Zone 5b)

has anybody else made progress on their concrete/rock projects? I shouldn't say "else" because getting one rock in place isn't much progress.

Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

Lol Lynnie,
I think that may count as more than one rock. I can just see you lifting it! HA. No, I haven't done anything on mine yet, but I can go move one rock tomorrow to keep up ... well, maybe three or four ... or nine or ten.

(Zone 5b)

well after that I was starting to think hypertufa is the way to go lol it took my husband & me a couple of hours....Judy go move 2 rocks and you'll be ahead *grin*

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Lynn here's one on September 10th of a pile of rocks I had.


Thumbnail by postmandug
Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

And here's one October 5th looking up the same hill and the same pile of rocks. It looks totally different now as I've done some planting and more rock/path work since then.


Thumbnail by postmandug
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Postmandug, Wow that looks great! Seeing the before and after photos let us see your progress. Good job!

(Zone 5b)

Postmandug that's looks great! I love that fieldstone, you're so lucky to have that laying around. Did you have to grade any of that hill?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Looking Good, Postmandug. Amazing what a little backbreaking work can do....grin...Keep us posted on your project.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

No grading but a little use of the Mantis tiller to level it out a bit for the first course of rocks and then to loosen up the soil and mix in the compost and manure. Moon, definitely back-bending if not breaking!!! I enjoy it very much though. Seems as if every time I complete a new project like this I have a new "favorite" spot to sit and enjoy my work and Mother Nature's work.


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good on you Doug. Nothing like enjoying Mother Nature surrounded by the "fruits of your labor". That is truly a lovely new addition.


Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

You're putting us all to shame. :-)

(Zone 5b)

Judy did you move a rock? *grin*

Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

It's been pouring down rain for two days. Is that a valid excuse?

(Zone 5b)

heck yeah! lol

Kerrville, TX

Last image. It was all rather time consuming... but saved lots of $

Thumbnail by kellykari
Kerrville, TX

Broken concrete for patio

Thumbnail by kellykari
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Kellykari, that looks too fine. Lots of hard work there, but oh so too worth it....looks great.

(Zone 5b)

oh I'm having rock envy again...kellykari that is beautiful! And I was so proud of my one dumb rock hahaha

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hey Lynnie, if ya sliced up your rock you could have a pretty patio like Kellykari's....ahem, just offering up ideas....grin

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Sledgehammer time Lynn!


(Zone 5b)

actually I WAS thinking of my neighbor's concrete, no that would be wrong *grin*

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

It's Hammer time, Lynnie...Can't touch this.... lol

Morning Doug.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Just tell them you got caught up in celebrating the fall of the Berlin wall....grin

(Zone 5b)

LOL Moon! Now there's some broken concrete!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

We actually have a couple chunks of the Berlin wall. DHJim's bro was stationed in Germany and sent them to us.

(Zone 5b)

did he get David Hasselhof's autograph?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

LOLROTFLMBO......The Germans LOVE David Hasselhof.....

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