snake ID

Letohatchee, AL

what is this danes wanted ran over it with the mower....

Thumbnail by froghollowlady
DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Sorry Jody, can't help with ID.....but it looks poisonous to me.

Orlando, FL

do you have pictures of the other side and of the head. look at the eyes cat eyes poisonous round eyes (pupils that is) are good snakes

Letohatchee, AL

it had a head like a club..playing cards...hear is another pic..mouth open

Thumbnail by froghollowlady
Orlando, FL

kinda looks like a cotton mouth mocasin

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for that information blondhavmofun. I've seen more snakes in my garden & lawn this year than ever before, and to me they all look poisonous. Now I'll know what to look for to tell the difference.

Orlando, FL

Poisonous snakes usually have a triangular or arrowhead-shaped head (except the coral snake). You must also be aware that several non-poisonous snakes, the Eastern hognose snake, for example, may flatten their heads when threatened. This defensive behavior may give the appearance of being a poisonous snake. The pupil of non-poisonous snakes will be round and located in the center of the eye. Most poisonous snakes have a vertical, elliptical (catlike) pupil. Another distinguishing characteristic of most poisonous snakes is the single row of scales on the underside of the tail, except for the poisonous coral snake, which has a double row. A double row is common in most non-poisonous snakes. Of course, this method of identification is not recommended on live specimens, but is very useful when looking at a shed skin.

A third way to help identify a poisonous snake is by the presence of a pit, or hole, between the snake’s eyes and nostrils (hence the name “pit viper”). This pit is heat-sensitive and enables the snake to locate warm-blooded prey, even in the dark. Non-poisonous snakes lack these specialized sensory pits.

this i researched on line

Letohatchee, AL

another pic..was out hanging laundry...this is the kicker..put him in a bucket for my husband to see the next morning.. he was not i think most everything has a place on this earth...just not at my so my husband took him to work and went to let him go in a field by his job...but when he let him go he said when he hit the ground he raised up and had a hood like a cobra..about 3inches wide...OK whats that about...

Thumbnail by froghollowlady
DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Doesn't the Cotton Mouth have an odor like cucumbers? As a little girl my Grandmother told me if I ever smelt that odor get away quick because it would be one or more Cotton Mouths. Only once have I smelt that odor while walking in the, I left in a run.

Jody, thank goodness you ran over that C.M. with your lawn mower!

Orlando, FL

well i am not sure if the banded water snake get to your area but to tell the difference you really need a good shot of the head and eyes also the cottonmouth has two black stripes on its mouth going over the bottom lip.
if it is the banded they tend to keep the bad snakes away here is a mocasin that was crossing the road, i wont hurt any other snake but this one it will attack you and chase you, dont let anyone tell you other wise i have had that experience. this one was about 4 ft and is now dead and buried.

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Letohatchee, AL

if that's not the same snake then its a cousin...I may not have killed it but its hurt...something will eat it...

thanks SO much....

Orlando, FL

no problem if it is that large you may want to watch out for babies, they look a little different.
not by much.

Letohatchee, AL

mine was about 2ft...could it have babies....almost lost one of my Jacks Russel's a couple of months ago to a snake bite.....his little body was about 3x's his size...and I have my grand baby this summer...

Thumbnail by froghollowlady
Orlando, FL

it looked big enough, better take extra precautions, do you have water near by

Oceanside, CA(Zone 10a)

It wasn't one of these beautiful guys was it? :(

Hognose snakes are extremely mild tempered and great to have as a pet or in your yard. I wish I had hundreds in mine. I used to raise many different kinds of snakes and they are by far the best snake in the world. Love them! When scared(wild ones), throw their mouth open and play dead. They are one of the few snakes with a lot of personality. I've probably handled 500 different kinds of Hoggies(wild born and captive born) and never seen one that shows aggression. They will try to mimic scary snakes....Flatten it's head, rattle it's tail, etc....but will soon play dead or curl up on your arm happily. With that said....if one does ever bite(i'd be shocked), it wouldn't hurt at all. They are rear fanged. They're great frog and mouse predators.

This message was edited Jul 22, 2009 7:13 PM

Orlando, FL

if you have water near by keep clear of it drainage ditches etc. i have had a banded water snake in my pond since it was real little it got to be a little big and my gold fish were at risk, i live on a lake and have swamp land and i took it there. i will save a rattlesnake but kill a mocasin. i believe every snake has its pupose except the mocasin. they are good as dead

by the way your grand baby is beautiful, how old?

Orlando, FL

it does look similar to the eastern hognose, but i believe that this is the mocasin.

Oceanside, CA(Zone 10a)

First pic looks so Hognosed.....2nd pic has it's mouth open which they do when scared for their life. Tough to say at this point.

After reading more of the posts....."but when he let him go he said when he hit the ground he raised up and had a hood like a cobra..about 3inches wide"....ya, 95% Hoggie(harmless). Mocs puff up, not widen out like a cobra.

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Debi, Your photo is like the few snakes I have seen in my garden & yard. I do have a drainage ditch as well as a lg. pond.

Has anyone ever heard of an all white snake with blue eyes? While clearing off some property two 5 footers were dug up with a bulldozer on my property.

Orlando, FL

white or tannish if they were shedding, their eyes get cloudy and the loose skin could of made them look white. it is hard to tell,

Oceanside, CA(Zone 10a)

Sounds like an albino(it happens a lot in reptiles). But blue eyes? VERY COOL! That's a bit different for me. Most albinos are red eyed.

Have no idea of the species without pics :)

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Ray, It did remind one of an albino. The skin was a bright white, not an off-white or tan color.Everyone was stunned that seen these two snakes. The eyes were a very pretty bright blue, not red at all.

I didn't have my camera with me or I would have taken pictures. Looking back, I should have called the Dept. of Wildlife to come out and look at these snakes.

It's possible they could have just shedded skin, but to me they looked as if this was a natural look.

Letohatchee, AL

as I said.. I believe everything has a place.. my son had two snakes and an iguana growing up..but with a pond,barns,shop and a few large greenhouses..its a snakes playground...If Jaeda.. oh shes 2.. was not here I would have tried to find out what it was then let it go HERE...but with her and little willie..aka wild willie...getting not this time...the vet said if he had 9 lives he use 8...

Thumbnail by froghollowlady
Letohatchee, AL

man Dollie you could have had a new species on your hands.. what happened to them..

Oceanside, CA(Zone 10a)

Ray, It did remind one of an albino. The skin was a bright white, not an off-white or tan color.Everyone was stunned that seen these two snakes. The eyes were a very pretty bright blue, not red at all.

I didn't have my camera with me or I would have taken pictures. Looking back, I should have called the Dept. of Wildlife to come out and look at these snakes.

It's possible they could have just shedded skin, but to me they looked as if this was a natural look.

It most likely was an albino. But maybe not a true albino. Blue eyes still makes me wonder. Corn and rat snakes are genetically susceptible to albinism for some reason. (On a side note, catfish are too).

As far as shedding their skin....their eyes would be crystal clear and their skin would show beautiful colors if their pigment allowed afterwards. Only snake I can think of that has blue eyes and white is the blind snake. They're only 10" long and look like a big earthworm.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

froghollowlady, Jaeda is an absolutely gorgeous child!

All we have here in poisonous snakes is the seldom seen Western Timber Rattler, so I know nothing of the snakes back there.

Letohatchee, AL

hello husband and I are from a little town called Riddle..just south of Roseburg.....small large lol
yep Jaeda is our little angel...she is actually my daughters best friends baby...BUT we raised her mommy and mom calls us mom and we are gammy (sp) and papa...even in the south being "white" we get the dirtiest looks from BLACK WOMEN...I don't care.. my grand baby doesn't see color.. she sees
HEY how are the blackberries doing.....I would love to get some I'm not crazy..we have the crappiest Berry's here..could Igrow them in this heat?
nice to talk to you in Oregon.....or as people say here lol

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I know Riddle, (too low there for rattlers) I have friends there. I'm only 30 from Canyonville, on the east side of I-5. What's Riddle? About 6-8 miles to the west of I-5 Canyonville?

If you lived there you know we have HEAT, and the blackberries seem to thrive on it, even though we go months w/o rain. Shucks, if I sent you some roots, I'll bet you'd have no trouble getting them to grow. But your neighbors might be pretty upset in a few short years. LOL! Shoot me a d-mail with your address if you really want some. I'll even clue you hope to keep them in control.

Yep, even a lot of Oregonian's don't say Oregon correctly. (it's Or-e-gun for those of you from elsewhere)

Those black women are just jealous that Jaeda isn't theirs! I think she's the prettiest child I've ever seen. You should enter her in a pretty baby contest. ;-)

Letohatchee, AL

I tell everyone she looks like lol the reason the black ladies don't like to see a white women with a black man is because they think good black men are far and few....BUT my husband is lol lol he gets nasty looks when hes carrying her....we just cant lol lol
yes please send me some...our heat is different here...OMG its heat and humidity..
I'll send you money if you have pay pal..or a money order..just get a flat rate box..13-14 bucks and stuff that thing full of roots...cut off all the vines, just leave the roots...put them in moist news paper then in a bag..wal-mart or what ever..then tie them up...and stuff that baby in the box....that's it..
oh my son was born in Canyonville and my daughter was born in Grants Pass....

Mom ..Stef and Jaeda

Thumbnail by froghollowlady
Benton County, MO(Zone 5a)

Hi! Just seeing this. As was another snake here, this one is an Eastern Hognose snake. They can make themselves look like a Cobra and they can play possum really well. :-) Not poisonous at all and a good snake.

Letohatchee, AL

my husband relocated it so it has a different

thank you so very much

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

No wonder Jaeda is so cute. Her Mom is a very pretty lady. If adults could see through kids eyes it would be a nicer world. Maybe one reason God said we have to become as little children.

Letohatchee, AL

Thank you....I tell everyone...who cares what the next person long as they are not hurting anyone....who are we to say or tell other people how THEY should live or love!
I always told my kids I don't care who they marry as long as they are respectful,honest and true....OK tell me what color of a person that is? My grand baby doesn't see color,she sees love.....

thank you once again...

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Thank you so much for sharing those pictures of Jaeda ( and what a lovely name!) She is so beautiful and her sweetness and love shines thru those eyes. I have babies waiting in heaven for me to meet. But when I see a glowing face like Jaeda's I am reminded of what awaits me there. so again, Thank you very much!!

Letohatchee, AL

woooo, birdieblue, thank you for the kind words.. I love my baby girl....
we may not see eye to eye on other post...but this one concerning her...WE lol

thank you...

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I really do not know what you are talking about. I just wanted to comment on your lovely little angle!!

edited to change our to your

This message was edited Sep 15, 2009 2:38 PM

Letohatchee, AL

If you don't know what I'm talking about then why did you write this to my mail before you posted to the snake site..check the time
cut and pasted...
Author Content
Winston Salem, NC
(Zone 7a)
Tue, September 15, 2009
02:34 PM
I felt so full of joy and love when I wrote that heartfelt note about your precious Jaeda.
It made me very sad that you felt the need to point out past problems, rather than just enjoy the moment with a gracious thankyou. I sure don't know what your problem is with me,, but to turn a sweet loving baby compliment into an oportunity for a dig is sad, really, really sad.
I was totally shocked. I live by the forgive and forget rulel apparently you live by the remember forever and never miss an opportunity to remind of the past. I sure don't understand that and am very thankful that there seem to be more of the forgiving and forgetting kind here at DG than those that await ever opportunity to remind and get in one more dig.

I said thank you.. it was the 3rd and 4th word!!
not seeing eye to eye is what makes this world go around...religion, politics and so forth...then I said ''''' but this one concerning her...WE lol ''''
go figure......

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