How's THIS for recycling???

Lacey, WA

This isn't a garden project, but is a recycle one. It's my daughter's family project. They got it free on Craigslist and have given themselves 2 years to completely re-do it. My son-in-law loves working on engines, and we're ALL pretty much into do-it-yourself.

We spent much of today at a junk yard taking windows, doors, electrical parts, etc. out of some RV's that have been totaled in accidents to be used on the re-do.

Now isn't THIS the ugliest "before" shot you've EVER seen! Their kids are homeschooled, and Mom and Dad want to teach them that even old, ugly stuff can be redone and valuable...while teaching them a lot of different skills from gutting the whole RV to working on the engine to designing and creating the interior "furniture" and decor.

I'll have to share pics as they work on it...if it's OK to post it here since it's not a gardening project.

Thumbnail by GrandmaThyme
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