Mandevilla, Dipladenia 'Sun Parasol Dark Red'

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Mandevilla, Dipladenia 'Sun Parasol Dark Red'

From the Garden Tour...Williamsburg, OH

Thumbnail by henryr10
Dracut, MA

Do you have any information you'd share about winterizing this plant? It was outside till the temp hit 34F degrees. I'd love to be able to keep it going thru the winter. When if at all should it be cut back? And how drastic should I go?
We are in Massachusetts on the N.H. state line about 30 miles inland, as the crow flies.
From what I've seen on this site, it's a new plant, so maybe you don't have any information on it any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, that photo is beautiful

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


The plant pictured here is not one of mine unfortunately.

But I have the old standard Mandevilla's and a Species Wild Yellow.
IF you have a GH and keep it warm... you can try just moving it in.
You'll get some leaf drop but they will soon find a balance.

If you have a good light source or window they say cut it back to 12" from the top of the pot.
Move it into the shade for a week or so.....
Drastically reduce the watering and treat it as a dry houseplant.
Water lightly about once a week.

Or you can cut it back and move it into a 45 degree or so area and let it go dormant.


Dracut, MA

Thank you very much for responding to my post.

I don't have a lot of faith in my ability to keep it, but your information will be used and I'll try darn hard to handle

Even if it can't make thru the looooong winter up here, I will be purchasing another one or two when the season break.

Good luck with all your lovlies, thanks again for your help

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

You're Welcome!

We're hard at putting the plants away for the winter.
We probably have 90% or more of them in.
One more Mandevilla to go.
It's about 12' tall! Untangling them is a Bear!
Next year I will grow them up strings.
Snip snip!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I was sitting there looking at the pile of cuttings I took today and decided to try to root some.
Fall is not the best time but as they are still in active growth and flowering.....

Dracut, MA

wow..good luck with that

haven't done any snipping yet, must build up my positive

I've lost all blossoms, but still haven't gotten the courage to cut back, I know I must, and I'm sure I will...
let me know how your cuttings do, maybe I'll try that with some on mine. Are any of them the Dark Red Sun Parasol?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Unfortuneately no DRS Parasol... but I have a source now.... maybe in the Spring.


Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Glad I stumbled across this thread ,everything I was wanting to know.So I need to cut them back to 12 in,Iam providing light ,we have no bright windows ,I have hot pink and deep red,pink one is the puny one,hoping they survive :)

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

They look good so far and I'd assume they've been in a few weeks.
My goal is to just keep them!
They throw new shoots from the roots quite readily come Spring.


Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the encouraging word,this is my 1st with them.Been in a few weeks now,some leaf loss ,i expected that.I didnt pay much for them .Still hate to lose them :) Thanks,already looking forward to spring !!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Aren't we ALL! LOL!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8a)

I just inherited a Mandevilla from a woman at the local ace hardware (we got to chatting the other night, and when I mentioned having a GH, she asked if I wanted the Mande, as she couldn't keep it over winter. Having wanted one for so long, I jumped on it. Picked her up last night. I've never had one before, so any suggestions for keeping her happy would be appreciated! My GH is not heated yet; putting the bubble wrap insulation in this weekend, and do have a heater for in there if needed. Just didn't want to put it in there yet b/c I have to get everything out to do the insulation.

I have several southern-facing windows that get lots of sun all day, if it would be better to keep it indoors. But do I need to cut it back if indoors? If it's in the GH, will it also require being cut back? It's so pretty, I hate to take away her blooms.

Thumbnail by jlj072174
Raleigh, NC(Zone 8a)

And here's a picture of the back side of one bloom and the front side of another. I'm guessing this one is a "dark red" but wasn't sure with the variegation of back of blooms.

Thumbnail by jlj072174
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Well I cut them back,the pink looks really sad now,red looks happy.wait and see now!!!

Dracut, MA

Nice to see all the messages.
I've been ill and not on the computer for about 6 weeks, so it was good to see that others have had their doubts with this plant. Come spring I plan to pick up a few more. I have a small deck that I would like to have one end all Red Sun Parasols.
After seeing the plant lamp I made up my mind that I will pick one up, as I'm not getting as much natural sunlight as I thought I'd have here.
Henry; I've not even cut mine back yet, but once I get my strength back it will get done. There has been a lot of leaf loss, but still plenty of green leaves, so I think that it'll be fine once I cut it back and put the plant light there.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Dallas ,glad you are feeling better, my mandevillas are hanging in, so there is hope ,i cut them back,a while ago and they are showing new growth .

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8a)

Mine is showing new growth. It's indoors in front of a window that receives sun noon to sundown. Seems to like it.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Our Mandavilla in the new GH is still flowering.
Course spending all that time uwinding it from the trellis was a bear. lol!
The ones we cut hard back and brought in the holding area have lost their leaves but are now budding up so far so good.

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