ID help please Who am I?

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

About 6 yrs ago I got 3 clems at Home Depot that were mis-labeled. I ID'd one, but the other 2 plants that are alike, and most definitely *not* MultiBlue, escape me. For a long time I assuemd they were jackmanii, as it is so common here, After a close look yesterday at the huge flower size and the beautiful anthers, I am wondering if they could be Polsh Spirit.
The plant grows very tall here, does not bloom untill later in summer than others like Niobe and Etoile Rose and has the most beautiful red/purple tipped anthers.
What do you think guys??

Here is a wide shot

Thumbnail by Jennie_in_MT
Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Med range shot

Thumbnail by Jennie_in_MT
Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

A close up of a bloom on the shadier side of the arbor. Most of my hand is there for scale and my wedding ring is a size 10.5... the blooms are large

Thumbnail by Jennie_in_MT
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Jennie, your clematis looks just like my 'Multiblue' when it was young. As the vine matures over the next few years. The flowers will change their appearance. You'll find this cultivar enchanting for it looks more, and more beautiful over the years.

This message was edited Jul 20, 2009 3:41 PM

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

But Lily, does MB have the purple red anthers? It has been in the ground about 6-7 years and grows huge.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Does your bloom look like this?:

Also the growing condition. Microclimate makes some variations on the blooms. I've some growing in a container in the back look just like that for several years. Some planted directly into the garden, look more double-bloom (fatter anthers). I'll see if I've some old pictures to share....bbl.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hmmm, could yours be 'The President' clem.? I'm not sure either. Hopefully some of the experts on clems. will come and help us out. Sorry.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm pretty convinced, yours has to be 'The President'! Enjoy.

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