need help on orchids

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi everyone,
i need some help on orchids. a friend gave me a couple, but i absolutely don't know anything about them. how do you plant them? do you tie them to a tree, or what?
i would greatly appreciate some assistance.

noonamah, Australia

Depends on what types of orchids they are. Could be anything from in the ground, to on trees or on rocks.

Tilaran, Costa Rica

Go here first.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

the ones the lady gave me came off a tree, and i have seen the same type before, all on trees.

noonamah, Australia

If they're growing well for her there then try to replicate the same conditions. Take into account exposure to wind and sun, and texture of the tree bark. I use fishing line to tie orchids to trees. When the plant attaches it's easy to cut the fishing line and pull it out without disturbing the plant.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

ok, thanks for the advice, much appreciated!

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