Does anyone use flushable dog poop bags or compost bio bags?

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Howdy. I was wondering if any organic gardening dog owners use the flushable bags, or the compostable bio-bags.
I created a doggy septic tank for dog waste and thought using the bio-bags would help my son help me to pick it up. My boyfriend does not think bio-bags compost down. I cannot tell because the ones I used are still in the septic system intact from what I can tell. How long does it take etc...I thought organic gardeners would know!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Don't know . I'd be interested in how your doggy tank is set up.
(I'd be concerned about trying to flush a good-sized bagged dog waste in a regular toilet.)

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Sally, what we did is husband is a plumber so he cut an old water tank in 1/2, cut off the bottom, we dug a large hole and buried it...then we used the bottom to make a lid. We throw the poop in it with some bark. No smell no flies. I am currently digging the other hole. When the first tank fills up we will let it sit and compost vermicompost down with red worms, other tank then gets filled up. We remove the vermicompost from the first tank and use it on landscape plants. I was wondering if the compostable bags break down very slowly.
I think the tp bags might be too big too!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thank you sunnyp. Maybe you can find a box of those bags and test one in water, see if it breaks down in a reasonable time soaking in water? or in the garden ? If so, I think it'd also be fine in your poo tank.

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