Cornus controversa 'Variegata'

Billingshurst, United Kingdom

Have admired this plant all over the place and it doesn't seem unfamiliar to have the leaves drooping a bit, ie with the petioles hanging down. But I planted one about 10 weeks ago, approx 5 feet tall ( and very expensive I have to say) and its leaves are really hanging down seriously. This despite despite plenty of moisture round the roots. Another I planted 15 years ago is in an equally open position, gertting full sun and its leaves look more normal. I'm guessing its just that the roots of the new one haven't reached out yet but I'm wondering if anyone else has experience of leaves drooping on this plant. As I say , I'm sure I've noticed it before on other plants but not as dramatic as this.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

That doesn't sound so good. Maybe it went too dry before planting or did it come bare-root? It sounds like it'll toast.

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