It had to be done,pine beetles

Dahlonega, GA

They are everywhere in the trees. Pinebeetles !These three trees would have taken out my fence ,shop , and house ,plus vehicals . They had to come down and look , didn't break one leaf of the hemlocks or dogwood . The climber is 80 foot off the ground in one of my pic . He was worth every penny. digger

Thumbnail by digger9083
Dahlonega, GA

Pretty hard to see him in that pic . Can see his ropes , tho . another pic.

Thumbnail by digger9083
Dahlonega, GA

Dropping one with a rope .

Thumbnail by digger9083
Dahlonega, GA

Almost back to the ground

Thumbnail by digger9083
Dahlonega, GA

Last pic . See how close my other trees and shrubs were ? He eased the limbs down with a rope and didn't damage Anything .He also cut three tall hardwoods in back of the house . Same thing , no damage ! . This will give me a little more sun and backyard . the roots were cut on the hardwoods when a drain field was run , eight yrs. ago . the trees were beginning to die in the tops , threatening the house. D

Thumbnail by digger9083
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Shortleaf Pines?


Dahlonega, GA

Yes resin , there is a particular name for them . I don't know what the real name is . They aren't the only ones affected , but the beetles will get them first . D

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Shortleaf Pine is Pinus echinata

Can you post a close-up of some foliage and cones?


Dahlonega, GA

I'll have to wait until tomorrow , guests just drove up . D

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