July in the garden part 2 2009.

london England, United Kingdom

I found 2 morning glories hiding behind the leaves!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Thanks Blossom!

Terri, On the trellis is Clematis 'Chantilly' it's a very soft pink/lavender....here's a link http://www.raymondevisonclematis.com/main/product.asp?productId=13# . Ooo, I never noticed that site was British so I guess you could order from them! This ones a favorite of mine http://www.raymondevisonclematis.com/main/product.asp?productID=18 . And yes, those are Nasturtiums in the basket....the one on the right is called 'Copper Sunset' and the red and the yellow(in the back) are from seeds I picked up at the dollar store called 'Jewel Mix'. Next year I really want to try the fragrant red nicotianna :)
We've got to large tubs planted with veggies and we have: 3 Arkansas Traveler Tomatoes , 4 or 5 Cucumbers, 1 Black Russian plum tomato, 3 King of the North red peppers, we got our seeds mixed up and ended up with only one bush bean and also have Oriental Breeze Basil, Dill, Cracker Jack Marigolds and Pot Marigolds. The tubs are massively overgrown :)


london England, United Kingdom

Oh Sally, when are you moving? How far away is Houston? How exciting!! a new garden to create your way!
Thanks, there's only a few Asters the rest were eaten when they were tiny.
The Sweet peas are really fragrant, I will collect the seeds on these for sure!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Oh, I love your Asters Terri! Mine are in a window box and look awful :( Possibly diseased or something.......maybe if I put them in their own planter they'll pick up(?). Actually all your plants look really healthy! And love the Morning Glories, I miss those ones. I used to have them but shouldn't here because it would be awful if they escaped into the meadow. I suppose I could deadhead each bloom........hahahaha

(Zone 6a)

Hi Sally! Moving is exciting! Be sure to take some of your plants with you :)

This message was edited Jul 31, 2009 10:41 PM

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Steven!
Is there a fragrant red? interesting!! I love the Nasturtiums in your basket. Nice Clematis, they will look great growing up that trellis. My Asters were looking awful until last week, then suddenly the leaves started to look healthier and now they are flowering. Don't give up on them yet..lol!

Sally, will you take your herb planters? they all look so fresh, almost makes you want to cook!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Wow, Nice Zinnia Terri! I just saw the red Nicotian earlier.............................................ah ha, here's the link http://summerhillseeds.com/nicotiana-perfume-red-new-for-2009-p-749.html?cPath=27...................I just looked and e-seeds has a bunch as well and they're in the UK, plu they send free seeds! http://www.eseeds.com/c-54-nemesia-to-nolana.aspx?pagenum=3 . A number of years ago we had red ones that looked grew just like the white ones except for the colour. I'm not a fan of the newer dwarf ones, they seem to lack fragrance. Thanks, I'm glad you like my basket, I haven't been sure about it lately so thank-you! We actualy just got the one Clematis but I saw the red one on the web and really like it :) So your Asters did the some thing it sounds like? Cool, so maybe mine aren't defective after all! YAY!

South, TX

We have moved a lot. I do usually take most of my plants in containers. I haven't been well for a while, so this is going to be very hard. I will be gettting the realtor to do many things I usually do. Hubby will be very helpful as usual and the movers do the really hard work. BUT, I have over 100 wonderful violets to move. I HOPE they all do OK!

(Zone 6a)

Wow, 100 violets! I'm sure everything will go well for you and it sounds like you have some great help :) Having moved alot at least you have probably have a system down by now for getting everything organized, which helps alot. BTW, I missed your comment about my marigold Sally, thank-you :) I got the seeds from the dollar store of all places! I'll try to get a comparison picture tomorrow!


South, TX

At least that many. Will be hard to keep them from getting hurt. I will use shredded newspaper and good rubbermaid boxes.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

My my one weekend at the cabin and totally outta the loop = all these lovelies, Steven posting aall his sweetness and moving and wow, I better stay closer in touch.
I forgot all about the asters?
Sorry been away and then had to download IE 8 and hate it but no choice so just trying to learn how to get around!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey speaking of getting around... Anyone notice JULY is over!???? Time for a new IN THE GARDEN 2009 for August!!

Has anyone mastermined the link yet???

(I second the motion -IE8 sucks, but you can still use the old one I think!!)

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Your wish is my command, Blossom.

Here you go :

What in the world is IE 8?????

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ie8 - a computer upgrade..

Thanks for the link

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

What does it do? Mine is slower since I renewed my antivirus. Will it help that?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I don't think so yardqueen it is just a different internet browser. Some use Firefox like here at DG, I had been using IE6 but had to upgrade for the phanfare program.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info! Just wondering in case it would help. Mine is a little slower than it was since I renewed my antivirus

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