clematis for central florida

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

What clematis are best for Central Florida. I have alot of full sun area's, a few, part sun area's that aren't already occupied, and a few shady area's that there's room to squeak in something...

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Have you or others been growing clematis in the past in that area? Can you tell me about your winter weather? I keep hearing that you can't grow clems in FL, but I'm in NW FL and I'm growing them. I think it's because we have much colder winters than South FL and the clems need a dormant period, but I'm not sure about central FL.

I've only been growing them a yr now, so I'm learning something new every day. I will know a LOT more this time next yr when the many I've planted this yr have been through their first winter here and have had a chance to grow and bloom. I talked with someone on the phone the other day from Joy Creek Nursery who was extremely helpful. He seemed to think that the integrifolias, viticellas, and texensis varieties would do best here in my heat and humidity. However, I've planted a LOT that are not included in those categories and they have done well so far. I love the larger colorful blooms of some of the Group 2's and 3's that are not in those 3 categories, so I'm trying them.

Do your local nurseries sell well-rooted, gallon-size clems? They should be able to give you good advice. Why don't you D-mail me and tell me specifically which ones you are interested in and I'll let you know if I've tried to grow them.
I think you'll find that there are not many Floridians on the clem forum. That's probably why you haven't received a quicker response to your question. But, if you love clems, you're in the right place on DG. There is a wealth of information in these threads from very experienced growers and "clem addicts."

Delaware, OH

I think sharkey hit the nai on the head re asking local specialty nurserys ( meaning not chain stores) and seeing what they sell. Usually a nursery sells the ones that do well in their area.
Hope u get some info and some clems. The ones firhiter zones that we can not grow are gorgeous. Primarily evergreen group of clematis.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

CG, are the Montanas included in that group? Still looking around to find a place that can accommodate them. I'm eyeing my hubbie's "shed" as he calls it right now. Actually it's a very small building and so it has "eaves" like the picture that was recently posted.

Delaware, OH

the montanas area group to themselves, and i am not sure how much of a winter, if nay , they require.
evergreen group is different, many beautiful clems in this group.

plant the clems the structures will appear...that is my motto.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm in Central Florida. About an hour north of Orlando "proper"...20 minutes west of Daytona Beach. Our winters can range from never hitting freezing temps to ones like last winter where we had at least 10 nights of temps in the 20's and I lost count of how many in the low to high 30's. That's unusual for us tho. A few nights of low 30's in not uncommon. I've not seen clems in any of the local nurseries around here. But that doesn't mean much. We don't have any really good ones.

Baton Rouge, LA

Ponies, have you thought about contacting the horticulturalist at Epcot? They would certainly know if clematis will thrive there... I've seen them at the Annual Flower and Garden Show at Epcot, but as the plant displays are changed so frequently, I do not know if they are able to grow year-round or are simply treated as annuals.

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