Awful Bird Pics Vol. 10

Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow, cool pic Burd_Fotos. It's so almost National Geographic worthy!

Here's a really bad pic. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, I think. Got the bird in the shot but should have taken longer to focus.

Thumbnail by Elphaba
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Same kinglet, but I took time to focus, so of course, there is no bird in the shot!

Thumbnail by Elphaba
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

It's raining today and this hummingbird keeps flying up to my window. Poor little thing.

I sure wish this photo had turned out better. One of the very few times that I've seen an American Redstart.

Thumbnail by Elphaba
Sandusky, OH

Lol well I dont know about Nat. Geo worthy, but it would have made a heck of a wallpaper. Thx :)

Marlton, NJ

Love the American Redstart with his tail fanned out.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Totally almost sooo awesome you guys!!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

This is a second time I spotted a Common Loon on the lake. I wished the quality is better, but this is what I've got.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

A few minutes later, at a different part of the Slough, from a distance I thought this was an American Coot -- it turned out the same Common Loon (which is not so commonly seen here) has flown over to hunt for fish.

This message was edited Oct 28, 2009 2:26 PM

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

A grebe, the pic is too small to tell which for certain but most likely Pied-billed Grebe.


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I had no luck with the nuthatches today!! LOL

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

This yellow thing was trying to drink from the hummer feeder. I knew it was too dark out this morning to get a good photo, but I tried. Seemed to have too much yellow going on to be a Pine Warbler, but that's what it looks like in the photo. I had a Pine Warbler last year that loved the hummer feeder that I adapted so he could drink from it. I just have to wonder if its the same one or if they all seek out hummer feeders?

Thumbnail by Elphaba
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Whew...that makes me dizzy Elphaba!!

My bad Caolina Wren.....

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Then I tried the shadows this time! LOL

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

There's some good bad ones here.;)
I thought I had these in focus, but.......

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

My eye was not set right, cause I also got this Dove out of focus.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Sandusky, OH

Thought I saw a Chickadee, maybe not. :|

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Believe it or not this is a group of Cedar Waxings!! LOL

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Those waxwings are just a problem aren't they?! I always see them when its super dark and cloudy out -- very annoying.

Chickadees, I don't even try! They're so cute and so fast.

This is annoying too. Took 14 pics of what I think are actually two little yellow birds. I'm guessing male and female Wilson's Warblers. One of the blurrier photos shows a black patch on the head of one. None of my photos are any good, and I took them in late afternoon light which I thought was supposed to be good!

Thumbnail by Elphaba
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I also got this mystery bird yesterday...I really don't have good luck with waterbirds!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Sandusky, OH

Elphaba, I agree with Wilson's Warbler. I don't know if you use a tripod when taking pictures, but it has helped me keep my shots from getting too blurry, or try burst mode or continuous shot, it may help with these fast little birds.

Sandusky, OH

Nanny it looks like a female Pied-billed Grebe.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I wish this wasn't so blurry. Painted buntings are so shy!

Thumbnail by amygirl
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm jealous Amy. I've been dying to see a bunting this fall. Is that one of those Duncraft feeders? I bought a similar Stokes feeder for small birds and I'm really unhappy with it b/c it's impossible to clean.

Burd, no tripod. I should get one. I should try the faster shutter speeds too. It seemed like it would stay still until I clicked the camera!

Nanny, that's so almost good! I love the reflection. I've found grebes hard to photograph even under the best conditions. They're one of those birds that seems to have a perpetually blurry head.

Melbourne, FL

Headless Cardinal. Actually the first Cardinal I have seen for a few weeks.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

That's a very nice headless cardinal. I wonder where he's been?

I almost got a good shot of this one, a Blue-headed Vireo. Truth be told though, I was taking the photo through a very dirty window!

Thumbnail by Elphaba
Marlton, NJ

Looks good to me nanny!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Elphaba that is a good pic! You know I didn't see any of them these fall.....

I will maybe learn waterfowl one of these days...

This message was edited Nov 12, 2009 9:50 AM

Sandusky, OH

Dirty window or not that's not too bad of a shot of the Blue-headed Vireo Elphaba.

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

That's what I was thinking, Burd. That is a hard bird to get a picture of anyway and that was a mighty good shot of one.

Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

That's really nice of y'all to say. I still haven't gotten out there to clean the window! He was still pretty far away and I was looking through the branches of a big Norfolk Pine, so all things considered its not too bad, just a little blurry.

Marlton, NJ

Well we're off to a New Thread folks! I'll be back with a link to the next one.

New Thread:

This message was edited Nov 13, 2009 8:21 AM

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