John H. versus bunny

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I have been babying this clematis for weeks and weeks just trying to see some growth. He had put out 2 leaves for a total of 5. When I did my "rounds" this morning, I couldn't see him as I got closer; but then when I kneeled beside him I saw him lying there several inches from his stem....cut down by a rabbit, I presume. I actually wanted to cry. So now there are a couple of little stems close to the ground and no green. Its not so much the cost of the clematis as it is the million dollar hole.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Try Blood Meal all around the clematis to keep the bunny/bunnies away. As long as you had stems you should see new stems coming up within a short time. Your million dollar preparation will prove to be worth the time and effort.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

pirl - I can remember using Blood Meal years ago - I wonder if it was for rabbits.....they used to eat all my tulips. I no longer grow tulips. I, for some reason, didn't think that anything chewed on never dawned on me to protect them. I hope that I get more new growth - I shall put another clematis in there this fall if I don't. The hole is dug and the trellis is in place.

Thanks, pirl.

Appleton, WI

I had rabbits destroy clematis, so I started using pepper wax spray at the base. It worked wonders.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Even a temporary circle of that green coated wire fencing, about 3' high, would be a huge help. The bunnies love the tender new growth.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, pirl and JuliaJayne. Maybe the bunnies never bothered the 3 that I've had for several years because there was no growth on the bottom l8 inches or so. I had never pruned them. They got pruned to about 5 inches a week or so ago and are now starting to get new growth down near the ground. I also have 2 new ones that have new growth that I'm pinching back. I think I need to start doing something right away...everytime I step outside I startle a bunny or two. My husband suggested the fencing also and I think that will be the first step until I can get out to the store.

Thanks again!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Good luck and please let us know how the plants like the protection you give them.

Delaware, OH

i have bunnies but they have never eaten clem stems. i have heard of this however. if it is truly bunnies not slugs you need the circle of chicken wire at the bottom. if slugs, need bug getta plus. sure hope it is not rodents (check the roots) .

how do you know it is bunnie? not slug? of course not harm can come from the chicken wire unless it is not something you can stand design wise. it can be masked with shrub or other perennial of course.

on my way back from the clem trip and all fired up to get back in the garden for sure!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here the bunnies eat all new growth on lilies (but they haven't touched the clematis) while slugs eat away, bit by bit.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Guru!!! Welcome, home.

I think it was a bunny because the top was bitten off, but not eaten. That's what they used to do to my tulips. They haven't touched the lilies, Pirl. Not that I've noticed. My husband put a small fence around John - so I'm hoping that he returns. They haven't touched the others yet.

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