Arrow Vinyl Murryhill Shed - need opinions please

Glenburn, ND

We are needing to put up a shed rather quickly and wanting to get some opinions from anyone that may have put up one of these or know or anyone that has put one up. We are looking at the Arrow Vinyl Murryhill 12 x 31 Vinyl Coated Steel Building. We are using this as a cold storage unit only and no vehicles will be in there. We are going to be using it for lawn mowers, snow blowers, tillers, and all that sort of stuff. We are going to build a wood floor for this, no concrete at this time for us. I am concerned about the quality of the sheds? Are they going to collapse with the first wind/thunderstorm that we have? I know they are a pain to put together – that the instructions could be easier but I am willing to deal with that. Any input or comments on these sheds would be great.

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