Too much shade?

Aurora, IL

I have 2 Princess Diana planted last summer. There's a decent amount of growth but no sign of a blossom. It receives mostly dappled sunlight, a little direct sun in the morning. Am I being impatient or should I consider moving it?

Somehow I had the impression that this one could take a decent amount of shade.

Thank you for advice.

Appleton, WI

Princess Diana is in the Texensis group which thrives in heat and full sun. The texensis varieties originated in Texas (correct me if I'm wrong, Jeannie). They can tolerate some shade down south, but probably do best in full sun in the north.

I have a Duchass of Albany that receives about a half day of sun. It still isn't blooming so I'm moving it to sunniest and hottest spot in the garden.

Aurora, IL indicates an aspect of sun or semi-shade. That is where I got the idea it would be OK in the shady area.

I'll move it.

Appleton, WI

Hopefully, both our plants do better next year!

Delaware, OH

texensis bloom late in my zone, only started blooming started blooming about 2 weeks ago. they do like sun, but i would wait till fall , they may still bloom. a young plant only a year in the ground, depending on size plant you started with may need some time to establish. mulitple prunings and feedings are needed whether fun sun or dappled sun location to build a healthy plant.

Aurora, IL

I can wait another season. It has grown this year, but seems stuck since mid-June. I'll feed her for now and move her in the fall.

I find the whole concept of part-sun, semi-shade, etc to be subjective. Not just with clems. And as I have more shade than sun, I'm always pushing the envelope. Sometimes, it pays off! Patience pays off, too (I keep reminding myself!)


Delaware, OH

it is subjective. so may variables including the clone of the plant, the hole, the soil, the watering, the pruning as well as the sunlight. i do well with a lot of clems in partial shade, i find clems can take a range of sun to partial and also have good tolerance for other factors if the ones listed above are done well. and they are pretty bug resistant compared to other plants.

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