Does Paris rebloom for you?

Aurora, IL

I THOUGHT I read that Paris is supposed to bloom throughout the summer. It was so pretty in the spring, but no flower since then. It looks healthy and happy. I'm good with that. Was just excited at the proposition of seeing more of those pretty flowers.

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

Is that similar to Hollywood? Because that one never reblooms for me and has been a disappointment.

Aurora, IL

Funny, Hollywood is still blooming for me. I guess we get what we get!

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

Do you fertilize your Heucheras? I never seem to get around to it, so maybe that's why the blooms on mine are less than spectacular?

Aurora, IL

No, I haven't fertilized. Maybe we should both try. Perhaps your Hollywood and my Paris will reward us with some flowers. ;-)

Of the dozen heuchs in my garden, Hollywood is showing signs of too much sun. A little brown. So the flowers are pretty and the leaves not so much. The others have lovely foliage. I guess it's a matter of deciding what I want from them.

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

My Hollywood is in a bit more shade, and the leaves aren't pretty either....they aren't fried, I just don't think that cultivar has particularly nice foliage. I bought it for the flowers and it's really a bit of a dud for me. I'll try fertilizing with a "bloom booster" and see what happens. The sun probably does help with flowering, though. I was just at a botanical garden up here where they had lots of "shade" things in full sun, like Astilbe. They were certainly full of blooms, unlike my shade ones!

Gypsy Dancer is a heuchera that used to bloom and rebloom for me all the time, but that one doesn't do much these days, either. Hmm.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Keelybird, did you deadhead Paris after it bloomed in the spring? I'm not saying it would help but it might! I don't worry about deadheading mine but every once in a while when I actually do, I'm treated with reblooming :) I don't remember if Paris is a "rebloomer" but I've always been impressed with how long it blooms - always starts blooming in May here and just checked it yesterday after seeing this thread and it's still blooming!

Noreaster, I think the flowers of Hollywood are probably my favorite but I'm not impressed with how small the plant is :( Now...if I could plant one of those "drifts" of Hollywood like so many of the plantings at CMBG I'd be happy as a clam :)

Aurora, IL

I deadhead them.

I have a very old heuchera that was here when we arrived. It is in full, afternoon sun by the garage (hot!). It has been blooming away since May, too.

Maybe when Paris is as old as that one, it will bloom likewise! Of course, I may not be here to see it! ;-)

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

I wish I had the room to do drifts like that, rcn. The client of mine that told me about the CMBG has a gorgeous garden of her own, and she does plant things in large does really make such a difference.

Yes, Hollywood is a small one...which actually kind of works for me in my limited space. Same with Gypsy Dancer. I noticed this year that the centers of Hollywood are way high out of the ground, so I want to lift them and bury them deeper...see if that makes a difference. I really want better blooms from it. Here is what I get out of it- lame! When the flowers die it blends in with the rock too much. I wish I had a sunnier spot to move it to.

Thumbnail by Noreaster
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

How pretty, regardless of its blending with the rock I think it looks lovely there :) I was working in the gardens yesterday and checking on what I thought was Hollywood. Silly me, no wonder I didn't see those beautiful blooms from afar this year, it was Cinnabar Silver! Poor thing, it's bad enough it's planted in really crappy soil but never noticed its crown was about 4" above the soil :( Guess when I lift it to bury it a little deeper I'll add some decent soil to the pocket to help it along!

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I recently got an order of heuchs from Garden Crossing and had asked them if they use fertilizer on them. They told me they use Miracle Grow. I had never fertilized them before but thought I'd give it a try - we'll see if it makes a difference.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Goldfinch, I'm assuming that Garden Crossings is referring to a regular fertilizing program, i.e. daily or weekly, with the Miracle Grow. If you're talking about fertilizing your new Heucheras when you plant them you'd have better luck using one of the granular systemic fertilizers like Osmocote - that way you wouldn't have to fertilize them every week :) I rarely fertilize when planting but the new Heucheras we planted last summer were given a dose of Osmocote and they really took off!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I assumed they meant a weekly feeding too. I'll have to give the systemic a try...the less putsy work, the better!

By the way - what are you doing up at 3:57 AM?

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

what are you doing up at 3:57 AM?

LOL, early to bed and early to rise! Honestly, I finally gave up a few years back when I'd wake up around 3:00 and try to get back to sleep. If I was successful I'd just wake up grumpy so I decided not to fight it anymore and that way I get to spend more time on DG :) Of course it also means I miss all those wonderful evening hours in the garden because most nights I'm "down" before the sun sets :(

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I understand - we go to bed at 6:15 PM because my DH has to get up and go to work at 12:30 AM. I usually get up at 1:00 or 1:30 AM. I get a lot done but miss working outside in the evening too.

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