No more golden rain tree for me

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Not to be confused with the gold CHAIN tree. I cut that weed (golden rain tree) down yesterday. It was about 6 or 7 years old and it dropped massive amounts of seeds all over my flower beds. The seeds are very successful and I found myself constantly pulling out baby golden rain trees. :(

Now I need to find something else to plant there.

One other tree I wish I hadn't planted anywhere near the house is the eastern redbud. Another prolific self-seeder. I've got lots of those coming up too.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Good move.

My dad has seedlings of this tree still emerging lo these forty years at the house I grew up in. Rather an infestation over 3.5 acres.

I've come to loathe them, despite the cheery bright yellow flowers in summer.

Shady or sunny site? You could plant any one of many fine small flowering trees, and defy them to throw seedlings (which you could sell for good $$, should they dare sprout).

Acer griseum
Acer triflorum
Davidia involucrata
Halesia diptera var. magniflora
Styrax obassia
Symplocos paniculata
Viburnum sieboldii

All these would have a good shot in your Cincinnati garden.

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

I'll definitely be looking for a nice small replacement tree. I'm in no rush so I'll wait and see what local places have on sale sometime this year.

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