Question about Tangled Web

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

I need your help. I'm redoing the hardscape in my garden and I've lost my physical landmarks for locating an iris I need to trade.

I've checked everywhere but cannot find if Tangled Web has PBF or not. It will be a clear sign if I've got the right iris or the wrong one. For those who have it, please respond ASAP.



Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

I don't have that one, but Denise usually mentions if they have PBF on her web site, and her description of Tangled Web doesn't mention PBF.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Thanks. I think I figured it out. I have it planted incredibly close (at least now that they've been there for 3 years) to Lip Service. DH removed some irises (those he said were clearly marked) and put in a low stone wall to allow for a slightly tiered effect in the garden.

When I went to get Lip Service, it was bigger than I thought and I panicked thinking TW was co-mingled with LS. What I suspect will bloom next year at TW does not have PBF which is surprising for how dark the plant blooms. I love plants with PBF and purple spathes (especially just before bloom). They are so cool looking.

Lebanon, OR

Several iris have the purple spath, and that is something in the next couple of years I will be noting as I think it is cool. Know that Daughter of Stars has it big time


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Dee, please explain what PBF means. Now here's a few of the meanings for PBF, which I don't think have anything to do with iris! ^_^

PBF Pretty Boy Floyd (Floyd Mayweather, boxer)
PBF Play-By-Forum (game)
PBF Percent Body Fat
PBF Power Burst Facility
PBF Pizza Box Flyer
PBF Python Business Forum
PBF Permanent Buildings and Foundations
PBF Plastic Bag Free (movement to ban plastic bags in the UK)
PBF Professional Beauty Federation
PBF Planet Battlefield Forums
PBF Punjab Boundary Force (Indian Army)
PBF Pump, Boiler Feed
PBF Pilot Briefing Facility
PBF Primitive Bridge Function
PBF Policy-Based Filtering
PBF Protocol Boosters Framework
PBF Pittsburgh Bureau Fire


Lebanon, OR

Smarty, with me and many growers PBF stands for Purple Based Foliage which I love and the more PBF it has the better.

I did not know there that many PBF iris in the world:)


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Thanks, that makes sense, we have a few of them here in our garden. BTW, there were 24 things listed under PBF.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

This is the website I first learned about PBF and PRR (Purple Ringed Rhizomes) both are explained here along with a list of irises that this grower has encountered.


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