It's Alive!!!!

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Warsaw Nike came up and then got hit by a very late snow storm (June 6th!). I was afraid that she was done for. I was out puttering this afternoon and found that WN is on her way back. Such a relief! She is in a place that it is hard to get to in order to examine. I will clean out some space around her now as the other perennials are blocking all her sun!

(Zone 5b)

Jennie, snow in JUNE????

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Jennie, I was thinking the same thing--snow in June??? It's amazing how diverse our weather patterns are. Here we were having temps around 100 and heat index above that when you were having snow.

I can see that Warsaw Nike is going to be one of my favorites. I bought two liners this yr from Lowe's and potted them up to a one-gallon container. Both have numerous stems and are at least 4 ft already. One has lots of blooms which are so pretty and seem to last a while. I was going to keep it pruned back, but it has so many stems I let it grow. Haven't decided yet where or when to put it in the ground and what to pair it with, if anything.
I'm so glad yours re-appeared. How long have you had your WN? How tall does it normally grow?

Delaware, OH

sharkey glad your wn are going good. mine has been a disappointment so far, but i got it at a local nursey, thought it was well rooted. am at the sea tac airport n my way back feom the clem trip. can't wait to get back in the garden. will post all pics tomorrow on a trip thread. the clems were amazing. new visions for my garden.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I was just logging out to go to Panama City and saw your response. It's good to have you back! I'm sure I'm not the only one that's looking forward to seeing your pics and hearing about your trip.
On the subject of WN, mine looks so much like Galore. Surely Lowe's didn't have the wrong tag again! The tepals do look like they might be shaped a little different from Galore, however. Galore is now blooming for the second time this season! It has been my very best performer.

Delaware, OH

galore amazing for me too. the ssv one i planted in may is 4 ft tall and covered with blooms ....trip photos will be posted this afternoon.

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Welcome back, CG. Hope you traveled safely and without any glitches! It goes without saying that I am green with envy that you visited SSV. I am patiently awaiting photos. Really, I am being patient. I am. I swear.....

I ordered Galore from Debbie's sale so I am glad to hear you both praise it. My list: Galore, Girenas, Julia Correvon, Tuchka, Piilu, Little Nell, Minuet, Vivienne-Beth Currie. Received them yesterday and potted them in 2gal pots until I have time off in the daylight to plant them. Also need to sit down with my master plan and look at heights and bloom times to decide on some color combos. And I have that other much bigger order (probably smaller plants) coming in a few weeks.

As for snow in June. At this point, the only month I have not had snow here is July (shhh, don't let the weather gods hear me say that!). We had a weekend long snowstorm on June 6th. BIG flakes all day. Of course, it melted off in just a few days but it did not help those plants that were tender or in bud. Lost most of out lilac bloom for this year. Luckily, most of my clems are not really up that early.

Short summers. Long summer evenings (my favorite part of Montana). Wide temp ranges. Gardening here is like riding in a car witha taxi driver on meth. Ya got no control, you will likely crash, on the edge of your seat, but the sights can be amazing. May as well sit back and try to enjoy it.

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Oops forgot. Sharkey, my WN did not get all that tall. I think it needs some more care. As I am enlarging that area, I will be able to get in there and do more for it. I was yanking out the volunteer delphinium when I found it. Hopefully with more air and light it will come on up. As it is, it gets about 6'. It has been in about 4 yrs and is rather spindly. Again, I think that is more a reflection on the care it has gotten. However, it may be one that is just not as hardy here....

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

That's VERY funny, Jennie. Do you mind if I ask where you found Madame Julia Correvon? Debbie's site says she will have it in the fall. I hope so. Your Galore from Debbie will do much better than mine, which was planted as a liner last spring. I plan to get one from her as well since my little one did so well. (Think we were both typing a response at same time.)

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Got it from Debbie. It was so great bc I had requested Asao (love the look). I also mentioned that M Hunt and J Correvon were on my wish list. She emailed me back and suggested I sub JC for the Asao as Asao would probably not do as well for me here. I was surprised that she had it to sub, but I was thrilled.

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