Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Okay, shouldn't be on here right now because I am at work (but I am taking my break right now). Just finished planting most of my iris orders this morning. Last night it went down to 47, tonight it is supposed to be 37 DEGREES. First of all, I don't believe this global warming stuff, but is Michigan the only state experiencing these COOL temperatures at night? So far this year had some nights in the upper 50s, but most nights colder than that, and its almost the middle of July. Hope it doesn't hurt my babies. :(

Well, better get back to work. Will check back later tonight or tomorrow to see if I am the only one with this problem.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Mshadow we have had some cool nights for mid Kuly like yours. We are not convinced about Global warming after the winter we had and now this. We got to about 80 today and they say 90 by weekend but I will believe it when I see it. Hope we don't have to cover stuff this time of year.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

I heard yesterday that El Nino is making another round and that is helping to contribute to the strange weather -- I'm not sure about GW either. I think it's just Mother Earth having hot flashes and cold sweats. LOL.

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, hope it starts warming up soon. Tomato plants aren't real happy. Predicted lows for the next five days starting with tonight, another 38, 58, 56, then back down to 47 and 49. Well, going outside to water my newly planted babies. Guess everyone else is going through the same thing.

South Hamilton, MA

Earth warms & cools in cycles--I think greenhouse gases are pushing the speed, but as 'the little ice age' ended about 1850, next warm cycle started.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It's been very cool here at night. We actually truned the heat on a couple of nights. 40s, though, not down in the thirties here.

Our winters have been much milder, though. Haven't seen a below zero in years. When I was a child we would commonly have minus twetny to thirty. Only problem is the milder winters mean more snow, and we've had over 300 inches most years for quite a few years. We're right off Lake Ontario, in the snowbelt, and it's all influenced by the temp Lake Ontario gets in the winter.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

115 degrees in the shade here today....night time temps mid 90's ----- just shoot me!!!!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

There's still room in B'ville if you ever want to move back, Audrey.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

So sorry Mrsj. I could not stand that kind of heat. how do you get any gardening done or do you go out at night or another time of year??

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Oh, I'm coming back Polly! 3 more years of this place and retirement to B'Ville!

As for gardenining....nothing gets done this time of year other than the plants getting their water via drip system, and when the feeding needs to be done I am out there at 5AM --- its only 90 then ---- otherwise everything is status quo until September......

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Your irises will be fine Mshadow.
I transplanted some of mine last fall to my BF house. He is near the UP of Michigan boarder.
As a matter of fact, I actually forgot to plant one of the roots that had no growth on it. I was waiting for that one until last to decide where to put it. Well, I forgot it. Remembered it when we had snow so had to wait until this spring to check on it. It survived being just left to lay on the grass and even grew greens this year :)
It was planted this spring and did fine.
Yes, very unusual weather, and very dry here :(

Wait, somone is moving back to NY from AZ???? Interesting

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Maybe we can get together, then Audrey.

Hard to believe someone is moving back north, isn't it , Kassy? When you live in the north, you want to get to a warmer place, but when you're in a warmer place the cold sounds good.

Gainesville, TX

ya"ll come on down to Texas ........85 in the early mornings 105 by 1 pm and still in the 90s at 9pm....we are dyin" here. Sure hard to work in the iris gardens, now is the time to be planting and digging

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

My oldest bother lived in AZ. He was a Foreman for a company that built big apartment complexes. After working the winters there, he said he would never work another Wisconsin winter. In his line of work, I could understand that.

Yes, it is hard to believe but............I may complain about the snow and cold, but I would rather be living here then in the hot areas. Sons mother-in-law lives in Florida, and has tried to talk me into moving there.........No Way!

No thank you Sharon, but thanks anyway :)

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Sharondippity - I feel your pain!! Same temps here - another 10 days of 100+ weather. We are on day 24 of 100 degrees or more. We finally got a little rain about 2 weeks ago, but it is all gone. The 22 month drought is not helping matters either! All I do is weed early in the morning - day break and then water at night. The kids and I hide inside during the heat. I wish I was further north, but I do not want to shovel snow. Then I look at where my Grandparents are - near Oklahoma City, and it was 105 there yesterday!! : ( So, no clue what the answer is!!


Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh Dana, come to Wisconsin :)
Warning, you might have to shovel in the winter though. Did I say "might"?

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Yeah, but it looks like you have a little help from the snowblower. :D

Gainesville, TX

Kassy.......Gotta love where you are planted I guess. I just can't imagine trying to function in the cold of your winters and the short growing season.

yeah Dana, I am between Okla city and Dallas.....I am weeding in the very early mornings and cleaning and doing the office work during the day, still too hot in the evenings before dark to get outside..

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

No Elizabethtown, no help from a snow blower, just my kids :)
But trust me, before it was over they wanted a snowblower......LOL Only one year holds the record for the most snow fall over this last one.

And sharon, I can't imagine functioning in the heat all the time. BF didn't even put the AC in the window this year or last year. hmmmmmmm Global warming?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by pirl
Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)


Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

That's what my BF says when winter hits here too
"Global warming? What global warming?" WE don't buy that during the winter.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We just finished with the coolest June on record in New York. July is generally hot but I just came inside due to goosebumps. I realize they've changed their tune and now call it "climate change" but the movie was about global warming and not climate change. Sounds more like "Convenient Change".

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

We are in a dry summer here. Second summer in a row that out lawn has gone dorment this early. 69 degrees here right now, the kind of weather I like, but some rain would be nice for the gardens.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Move to Montana Y'all.

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

We get more then enought of that in Wisconsin in the winter.
Lets sent some south for them ;-)

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

It has been up and down here as well, 105 with humidity one day and 82 the next with no or little humidity the next. The rain HAS to stop though. Last season 56 inches and this season so far 24 inches, rot rot rot. Snow, we only had 6 inches last season if that. Unsual.

Gainesville, TX

We celebrate rain here like ya"ll celebrate Christmas

Enjoy the beauty of Conjuration

Thumbnail by sharondippity
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful iris and a terrific photo.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Sharondippity is right about celebrating rain here! We had a thunderstorm roll through about 3 weeks ago. It had been so long, when I heard the rumble - I thought it was the mine down the road dynamiting. After a few minutes of constant rumble - I figured it was not the mine. The thought it might be a thunderstorm never entered my mind!! So when I walked outside to head to the garden to pull onions - it was a nice surprise!! We were at 102 degrees that day and when the storm hit - it dropped us down to 69!! YEAH!! You just had to hide from the huge dust storm it kicked up. It was nice pulling onions in the cool weather (over 200 onions pulled that day)!! When it started raining - we started dancing!! Probably not a sight to see, but hey it was fun!! ; ) The winters here are nice. Last year though was mild and it is not unheard of that Christmas Day could be 70-80 degrees. We have worn shorts on X-mas Day, which is just wrong to me!! Although, I would like a little snow - the huge drifts - I can live without!! Take Care all!!

Dana ; )

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Sharon Beautiful Photo of Conjuration. We had a god rain last night. We were supposed to get our front sidewalk poured today but that won't happen now but that is ok as everything got fertilized a few days ago and the rain will rush it to the roots. Have a wonderful day everyone (edpecially those of yuo having such hard times-Am thinking of you),

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

I guess I shouldn't complain about the cool weather. Anything over 65 to 70 degrees is too hot, as far as I am concerned. Its harder to grow things though. One year it even snowed on Mother's Day. Usually fruit trees get flowers and then we have a few nights of freeze warning, but still manage to get some fruit.


Thumbnail by Mshadow
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

This was the view from our living room towards the mountains on June 6 this year. It really set my plants back and most of the Iris did not bloom this year.

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

I have a question for you all
Ok maybe a couple

1. Do you trust your weather man to give you an accurate 7-day forcast?
2. If not why would anyone believe these people can predict the next 100 years especially since they have twisted the last 100 years.

I am an environmental engineer here are just a couple of fun facts.
Composition of Air
Nitrogen = 78.084%
Oxygen = 20.947%
Argon = 0.934%
CO2 = 0.033%
Total of these 99.998%
less than 0.002 % other gasses including sulfur dioxide, methane, hydrogen, nitrous oxide and others

If any of you have seen a picture of LA on a hot summer day or night

Emissions from cars trucks, factories etc settle to the ground with less than 0.001% actually making it into the atmosphere only to be brought back to earth in rain, snow etc.

Greenhouse gasses is a myth that the media and others have gotten the public to buy into for monetary gain and they get BILLONS.

The real culprit to current trends has nothing to do with vehicles or power plants and everything to do with development which drives our economy and produces the one major income for states. In 1909 the San Fernando Valley of Los Angles was little more than Missions and farm, olive and avocado groves today

It has more concrete and asphalt than dirt and trees. I grew up in the Valley and there were seldom >100oF days except in August usually a couple of days at a time not months. In those years MILLIONS of new homes businesses, freeways and streets have been added and 100oF is not uncommon in April.

Have you ever noticed that cities are Always hotter than the ‘’burbs’. This is because of the amount of concrete and asphalt which makes these areas heat sinks.


Take it for what it is worth

PS AL Gore’s home has more carbon emissions than 3, 425 different small towns around the US.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Avmoran we, The H & I have believed this for a long time. The Cities with the mass of comcrete and asphalt create a lot of heat and have replaced vegitation which has a cooling effect. I don't know however how far it spreads globally.

Gainesville, TX

agree.........I moved from the Dallas area to the country, 80 miles North....I can tell you we are almost always at least 10 degree cooler, except for now with this horrible heat wave that is affecting all of Texas.

I live in the woods so the tall oaks and cedar make a huge difference. When man continues to replace the green of God's plan with the gray of Man's we all suffer the consequences

Enjoy Coral Point

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hey.... stop picking on Nashville's Al Gore. Get some current figures on his energy use. Yes, he bought an old mansion that was not very energy efficient and he has spent years adding alternative renewable energy sources and insulation and new windows, etc. It's amazing how the world can grasp concepts while we Americans still fight over evolution......

Off my soapbox now (but leave our Al alone!)


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

HEY GUYS, Arizona isn't all desert and hot! The Northern AZ Ponderosa pine forests are the largest in the world. Our main problem is sweating out the wildfires! There are three lightning strike fires burning South of us and the smoke in the evenings can cause interference with our Internet satellite reception. Bummer! But it looks better today.

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Anita, totally agree with you. Wonder how much emissions, and how many holes in the ozone from sending shuttles into space. Now they are going to go back to the moon to see if they can find water, but we are blamed for all the air pollution. Guess the government can do whatever they want. Never have been able to figure that one out.

My newly planted babies are doing fine. Better run out and water them before I have to go to work.

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