What is this pest/disease/thing from outer space on my tree?

Raleigh, NC

Cross-posting this message....please follow the link and help me out all you smart people.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

It is some sort of shelf mushroom/fungus. We had something similar come up after we removed an old liveoak. The fungus here was almost woody and had a mahogany color to it.

Raleigh, NC

That sounds reasonable. Was it present while the oak was still alive? Anyone know what this means as regards the health of the root? I'm thinking it might be dead/decaying to support this growth. Need to know, as this HUGE tree leans AWAY from this root!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

The tree was very much alive when we cut it down, but the fungus didn't show up until months later when the roots were dying. You may want to get an arborist out to check on the tree, especially if it is near your home.....it is hurricane season ya know.

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