Any hummer friendly vines that grow and bloom in the shade?

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

This message has been posted in the hummingbird forum, also:
I need to know if there are any shade-loving vines that produce flowers that attract hummingbirds. I have multiple trellises, but they are placed close to the house, north/east/west sides, and they don't get all-day full sun. The east side gets early morning rising sun, then the eaves and a sweet gum tree cast the trellis in shade. The north side gets very early morning sun and very late setting sun, but shade throughout the day. The west side is in shade until about 1 PM, then strong sun, then dappled light through trees, then strong setting sun. Right now I have Manettia cordifolia Firecracker Vine, Ipomoea quamoclit Cypress Vine, Ipomoea x sloteri Cardinal Climber, Ipomoea purpurea Crimson Rambler Morning Glory, Ipomoea x multifida Cardinal Climber, Ipomoea coccinea var. hederifolia Scarlet Star Orange Morning Glory, Ipomoea coccinea Small Red Morning Glory, and Ipomoea luteola Scarlet Creeper growing on the west-side trellises, and none of them have bloomed! The other trellises (east/north) I hang potted plants on, filled with hummer-friendly annuals, because I can't get a lush covering of flowering vines to grow in the low light. I have had Mandevilla in previous years at all locations, (the hummers give the pink variety very little attention and do not visit the red variety at all), but at least I get a sparce-covering of blooms. Right now I have a new Honeysuckle on the west side, slowly vining it's way up a rose tower, and it is blooming, but not as vigorously as the honeysuckle growing and flowering in an island bed in the middle of the south-side lawn, which gets full all-day sun. We do tree trimming in the fall around the house, (the trees are about 30 years old), but anything planted under the eaves is shaded by the roof overhang for a length of time each day. I have other vines growing in a raised bed (west-side lawn) and potted with trellis (west-side lawn), where they get a mix of full sun/dappled sun/a little shade, from early morning to evening, and they are growing/blooming as expected. But up against the house... Any suggestions?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Geesh! It sounds like you have every single hummer vine there is! Just you get any/lots of hummers visiting your vines placed such as they are?

I have a number of HB vines around the property, but I seldom see the HBs visiting them. They just go for the feeders with a casual interest in the vines (and flowers). But we are in part sun/part shade (lots of trees) in varying degrees so we don't get a lot of 'color' on the vines, either.

We have cypress vine, honey suckle 'major wheeler', honeysuckle 'dropmore scarlet', 2 morning glories, trumpet vine, madevillas. I have tried the other ones you mention and mostly got a lot of green and not much bloom. Some were quite rampant.

Good luck trying to find a shade loving HB vine! I will watch this thread for the recommendations.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I have Spanish Flag growing up a Palatka Holly, the way it's situated the tree pretty much keeps in "high shade" till later in the afternoon, it is blooming great and the hummers use it a lot.

Thumbnail by mjsponies
Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Spanish Flag! I bought the seeds for the first time this year, but didn't plant any because I have so many other vines I started. Of course, that's the one I should have tried!!! It will have to be added to next year's crop.

My garden is planted to attract hummers. About 95% of my plants are hummer friendly, so even though I put out 2 feeders, they get very little action because of the abundant flowers. The most hummers I usually see at one time is 3, rarely 4, so I figure there are a few more than I'm counting as I see 1 or 2 flower-feeding every time I glance out the window. And there are the close-encounters when I'm watering, weeding, or just puttering around the garden.

The small annual vines don't get a lot of action, but the honeysuckles do. My trumpet vine was purchased bare-rooted from Lowe's 4 years ago, and has not flowered. I found out after purchasing it that when you buy this plant bare-rooted it will be at least 5 years before the plant matures enough to flower. This year, the plant sent out a new runner and the original runner, that was 3 years old, died. Do I have to wait 4 more years for the new runner to produce flowers? If I don't get any blooms next year, that plant is gone!

Thanks for the feedback.

Saint Paul, MN

Hummers visit my Clematis texensis and Clematis pitcheri quite a bit. They prefer sun but flower in part shade.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

grik: I have Clematis texensis (in sun/part sun) but didn't know about Clematis pitcheri. I'll have to add C. pitcheri to my list for next year. Thanks so much for the info.

An update on my shady vines: they are blooming, not near as heavy as they would in a more sunny location, but the hummers are finding the flowers that do bloom. One of the problems with the delay in flowering was I got the seeds out a month later than I normally do.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Hummer girl,
I found a couple of suggestions here! Good luck, I was surprised!

Do you have some posts on the hummingbird forum? I bet you get lots of hummingbirds!

This message was edited Aug 28, 2009 5:50 AM

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, rjuddharrison. I'll check out your links.

I've posted a few threads in the Hummingbird Forum. Most recently was some hard to get pics of my hummers!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

cool, thanks..was hoping you would put up a link..thanks

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