What kind of Iris is this?

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

A friend gave me iris and Im supposed to be going back after more but I dont know what kind they are.. The leaves are very tall and slender and the stalks for blooms are like nothing I have seen. Unfortunately the one stalk was already broken so I took a picture of it..

Any ideas?

Thumbnail by ladybarber101
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

A form of Flag? Either Blue, yellow or white. Does it have purple base foliage like this?

Thumbnail by mittsy
Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

It has the same base for sure.. Okay so a form of flag iris? Its a place to start looking... lol Thank you.

The leave are taller than I have seen and very thin for iris...

South Hamilton, MA

difficult to tell, without seeing the flower. 'Flag' is a nickname for several different types of iris if not the entire genus, so that isn't much help.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

If the leaf is very tall and thin for an iris it could be a spuria iris. The leaves can be 36" to 48" tall. I dug some from an old farmhouse years ago. Mine bloom white altho now there are hybrids of all colors. They bloom later than a typical iris.

Course the seed pods on that picture look alot like the seed pods on my water iris and those leaves are tall and thinner than a typical iris. My understanding is they don't need to be in standing water to survive, mine are in a waterfall and I see them all over in the ditches around us.

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

She says she thinks they are wild iris... lol So I dont even know I guess I will know next year if they bloom..

The foilage was anywhere from 2 - 4 feet tall and the clups are amazingly big masses, The bottoms of teh fans / tops of the rhizomes are purple.. Does that help any.. I need to go pull one and take a picture.

I know this is all guessiing but I thank you for all your help.. I like to have an idea of what Im waiting for .. Even though I love surprises!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I planted a bulb this spring that someone sent me and I lost the tag.....I watched and watched, had no ideal what it was, it was really fun watching it. I doubt at 4 feet tall it is a "normal" iris. I think it is either a spuria or a water iris that we have growing wild around here. That is just really tall for an iris, at least any I have ever seen. Will be waiting to see pics next year....LOL

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