Help with Shasta Daisies

Coventry, RI(Zone 6a)

I have three Shastas that are at least 5' wide and 3' tall. The stems are brown from the ground up to about 6 inches to the tip where it's a nice bright green. Continues to make leaves but I can't find any stems where the flowers are forming. Any advice? Should I cut it back to the ground and start all over or is it too late? Thanks.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Sounds like it time to divide them. Cut them back and divide, they may not bloom this year but with come back next.

Boston, MA

I think my 2nd year Shasta Daisys got near as big as yours this year. I was so surprised at their size. With the rain this past week, the Shastas were in full bloom and unstaked. The rain beat them down in the center and they were on the ground. I was forced to cut them back to 12". The main plants still look great, but I was sad to have to cut them back so early. The rain has just been terrible. I had white, yellow and a frilly one. I know one of them was Broadway Lights.

Thumbnail by ayah
Boston, MA

This is a close up of one of the frilly ones. These came from the big box store so I don't know the names on them. Here is a close up of the frilly one. This one looks like it has a bug infestation, but I'm not sure. This picture was taken right after a hard windy rain storm. Also, this is a community garden plot and it is on the edge of the gated garden area. Kids like to stand and throw dirt into the gardens, they jump that fence, steal green tomatoes and then thow them back into the gardens like they are sling shots or something. The garden area has had a lot of trouble with what we call "fence jumpers" who come and steal the veggies and herbs. They even reached throught that black fence, tried to pick my Echie you see here in the foreground, actually pulled a piece of that huge clump out with the flower attached and then just left the piece across my shasta daisy. I think that is what is on this flower upclose. I've looked so close for aphids, I don't see any. Any advice on what you all think? About this being bugs vs. dirt.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 8:26 AM

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 8:39 AM

Thumbnail by ayah
Boston, MA

Close up of the yellow variety of my Shastas.

Thumbnail by ayah
Boston, MA

This is a long view of my community garden, it is 8' wide by 19' long. I have my perennials on the left back, veggies in the right back, then my cone corner in the front right. The left front has a mixture of eggplants and annual herbs.

Thumbnail by ayah
Boston, MA

Same view a month ago.

Thumbnail by ayah

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