Planting in July

Charleston, SC

My spring flowers and vegetables are gone. What flowers (preferably biennals) can be planted during this time of year in a hot, humid climate? Zone 8.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Do you mean biennials (2 year plants) or perennials (plants that should return each year)?? I can think of quite a few perennials but not many biennials.

Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

many biannuals are seed grown like annuals. you'll want to seed them out in September in your area for blooms next summer.
good biannuals for summer blooms in your area are gaillardias, rudbeckia (some varieties are annuals, others may be perennial) and alcea (hollyhocks).
one of my favorite annual for summer blooms is cleome.

you may also want to check out the perennial forum here:
and the annual forum:

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Agreed. Those are all good choices. The only other biennial I am currently growing are "Canterbury Bells" and they are surprisingly doing very well down here in South Florida. Big lush first year plants, but probably no blooms until next spring or summer.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

ji...Welcome to Dave's!!

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