Garden Shots 2- Summer's here, keep those pics coming!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

everything is looking nice ,got 6 inches of rain last week

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

I love coleus

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful pictures. Maybe you had old style volunteer petunias, I have some of those and they just pop up anywhere. Wish we had some ran, supposed to get some this weekend, hope so.
Here is another urn.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm running late (for work), but wanted to say that ALL these pictures are just gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrgeous! I only have run of the mill things blooming at the moment, but holy cow...what a fun link to eat breakfast cruising!


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Mounds of beauty.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Cute groupings, ridesredmule. I love the succulents in the strawberry pot!

Nice beds, highmtn. Love the coleus and Impatiens with the bird house! Such a pretty color match! I never have had any luck with New Guinea Impatiens, yours are gorgeous.

My camera has quit working, but some friends were here over the weekend capturing a few shots. This is a new bed in the front yard with several first year perennial seedlings, some small blooming shrubs, and Lilies for next year's color, and wintersown annuals and some Dahlias to quench my need for color this summer.

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

A long shot of the same bed:

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

This pic was taken standing in front of the house toward the front yard:

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

A bed of mixed Benary's Giants Zinnias and mixed decorative Dahlias from seed. This bed always makes me smile!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful, Zinnias are a show stopper.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

we needed some sunflowers here

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

...and Sunflowers can have many faces.

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

gemini_sage,Love the furry sunflower,the only sf that made it here were the ones the chips planted,I planted 2 times none showed.

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the sunflowers everyone. I don't know what went wrong this year but I only have a few succesful sunflowers of hundreds planted. It is so weird as normally they have grown well with no effort.
Will try again next year.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

another beauty

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

getting closer to done on this side

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

The grass needs mowed ,its been raining a good thing .

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

last one

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

another flush of blooms on my 3$ rose bush

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

this bud grew funny

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I love yor $3 rosebush. I love that color. Does it have a name on the tag? This spring I got one of those roses
that they put in a bag. It was supposed to be a yellow rose. I was so looking forward to seeing it bloom.
I kept the tag and made a label, Yellow Glow, is red! What a beautiful surprise.

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

That is INDEED a gorgeous rose color!

You are KILLING ME I have a slope in my back yard that I have been scratching my head over for 3 years. Our priority this summer was the front yard & fence which we got tackled. We have a few more smaller "tidy up the front yard" projects and then we start planning the back area. I was going to wimp out and do something lazy, but are really whipping garden MAGIC on your sloped areas! My slope is a bit steeper then yours but there is a LOT of house/deck weight on my slope which I worry about with our wet seasons. We may have to have a pro come and give us some suggestions.

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

another view... I'm thinking terracing ...but I love the idea of a fake river bed trailing down it... but... again...there's a lot of weight right on that high corner. The drop is actually about 10' on the high corner. The back corner you can step off of. It's a crazy yard and I soooooooooooooooo miss my flat back yard. The trade off is a nice ocean view which we have really enjoyed.

Carl builds everything stout enough for elephants to tap dance on

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

So...the view is the trade off for the STEEP back yard.


Thumbnail by Highmtn
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Day view...

Thumbnail by Highmtn
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is absolutely beautiful. When you get those elephants up there tap dancing be sure and let me know. i want to watch them.....too good to pass that one up. the view is so worth your problem. I hope he puts a railing around there. I'd probably forget while I was taking a picture and step offfffffffffffffffff! Sit out there with a cup of coffee to watch the sun go down. ahhhhhhhhh, total bliss.

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks! Ohhhhhhhhh trust me...deck railing is a must...and hopefully NEXT summer's project. Carl thinks he will get to it this fall, but I have my doubts. My partner (Carl) travels a lot with his have to do things in stages.

We actually had to cut our backyard in half with a chain link fence because for some KAMIKAZE REASON our 91# dog got into the habit of long VAULTING off the high side of the deck to chase any intruders from her yard/fence lines and eventually ruined her shoulder. She now has the only flat spot in the yard and is much better (and safer now). My grandson will be older next year too and it's just too far of a drop off.

I worked in an ER for 5 years and I was AMAZED at how seriously injured people got taking a bad step off LOW decks, or accidentally backing off decks that were only 18" high (like you maybe take a photo). One poor woman broke her back by accidentally stumbling off her deck that was only about 20" tall. I don't EVVVVVEN want to think about taking a header off the high side of ours.

I gained a lot of weight this year...wayyyyyyy too much. I went from a very physically active job to a desk job 2 years ago. My mind gets a daily work out, but not my body. really shows too! Maybe I am the dancing elephant I was referring to...and there will be NO PHOTOS I assure you...LOLOL

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

huggergirl, great progress you've made! I love the surrounding woods. Sometimes challenging situations turn into the most pleasing designs- I think that's where you're headed!

Highmtn, you're doing a lovely job with your slope too! And also have a stunning backdrop for your home and garden. As your gardening addiction grows, you'll be out there more and more, and the extra weight will drop right off :-)

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)


From you lips to the Weight Watcher's scale...LOLOL

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

No,no, I have no room to talk, i am no feather weight. I just want to be careful, I can see how the kamikaze dog got damaged.
I have FELL OFF a few mules, I know what it is like to fall. There is no way in the world to stop and when you do, My Lord, it does hurt. But he is there with me or I would be in worse shape than I am in. You got to take care of the grandchild. There's not that many pillows for him to fall on. but it is a beautiful view. Enjoy.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Highmtn,OH what a veiw,makes the hill a little more tolerable.My DH Raplh is building a small deck on the other side of the screened porch,as always he over builds everthing,you can park a car on our deck ,and a hot tub !!! there are 9 concrete pillers,under a 10x12 deck.ITs a mess over there has been raining a lot here ,got 6in. last week ,had to move a tile its still dug up due to mud,trying to get things around for vacation,camping no less, on the beach though, cant wait :)))

Thumbnail by huggergirl
(Zone 7a)

Neal - how 'bout a new thread for us slow dial-uppers?

I need to come back and catch up with y'all - we're on a hill, too, and after 30+ years here, it looks like I still have a few things to learn from ya -


Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Highmtn,Looks like you are using Trex for deck boards,great stuff ,you will like it.Isnt it awful working on a slope,trying to dig on an angle,let alone trying to stand up while doing it !!

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)


Awesome flower photo! Also, Ralph's screened in room looks veryyyyyy inviting! When I was little my grandpa had an awesome screened in room off of his garage. It had concrete floors, picnic tables in there, and a huge brick BBQ pit. It was one of my favorite places as a little kid. The yellow jackets could not bug you while you's a trek deck. Carl was the mastermind and he did a LOT of that while I was gone at work. He's only home a couple weeks a month so he goes like a madman. Years ago he broke both his ankles (at the same time) so yes...standing on that slope doing all that work was way hard on him. I have personally crashed and burned (prior to the desk being built) walking out there when the grass was dewy or just watered. Tooooooo steep...

One thing that you can't that the deck is NOT connected to the house. It's a free standing structure so there are wayyyy deep posts etc on the house side too. After my fire the vermin insurance company got out of paying for my 10'x60' greenhouse / sun porch because it was anchored to the house for stability. TALK ABOUT A SHOCKER. Had it not been anchored to the house it would have been classified as an out building and they would have had to replace it. I had already maxed out the cap on the fire claim, and so they just thumbed their noses at me and the attorney said it was legit. Grrrrrrrrrr.....I will NEVER stop missing that area. I lived out there in the winter months puttering on dividing things, starting seeds in spring, etc...not to mentioned I wintered over so many plants (as well as neighbors plants).

Oh... a friend of mind had used their left over trex for garden paths. It looks very very neat.

Re: the gorgeous Zinnia photos posted in here? I can NOT grow those! It's torture for me as I think they are among some of the most beautiful flowers on earth. I don't know if I under or over water them...regardless if the slugs don't wipe them out... they die. It's soooooooo crazy. I can grow orchids like weeds... and have good luck with so many other plants...but...Zinnia's... nope.

Any tips?

This message was edited Aug 28, 2009 5:22 AM

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Highmtn,So our screened room is attached to the house does that maybe mean it wouldnt be covered in a fire .Going to ask Ins man about that.Just asked them about our shed,its covered up to 10,000,was thrilled about that.ralph suffered a broken ankle in 2003,been there done that !! not fun,he had to ride the garden tractor up and down ,house to garage.We spend lot of time on the porch its on the north side ,its nice in the summer.On the west side where the new deck is going there will be a short L shaped wall,because of code,and the drop off,also will hide my (NEW) grill .iam thinking maybe a brick path to lead off the deck.I dont know how many times Ive slid down the hill bouncing on my can,iam 50 now dont need to do that anymore,although I just about broke my tailbone a few wks ago,UMM cleaning the AQ,stepped off a step stool only to hang my rear on a tall high back bar chair, feet dangling,chair back up my crack geezz !!! LOL This yr was the 1st time Ive grown zinnias in a long time,we had a cool kinda dry summer,so they didnt get powdery mildew quite so fast,as I dont have any full,full sun.They really are looking done now.i did start them under lights.I bet you miss that green house. :( Well Iam off to work today and monday,then Iam off all september going to the beach camping gulf coast,Ralphs cousin from Austrailia is coming for a week,getting excited no GC this vaca,lots of do nothing time .

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

The colors are soo bold

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Happy Flowers

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Gotta love those bright Zinnias! Are those Benary's Giants?

Karen, good thinking on the new thread! Here we go:

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Scrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeech! *backing the shower bus up*

Ok...I'm supposed to be getting ready for work, but you WENT and posted Zinna WHEWWWWWW.......soooo pretty! Even when I buy them started they die! It drives me nuts! I do suspect a dampness problem. Ocean living is not without it's extreme dampness. In the same yard...some roses never get powdery mildew...and the SAME ROSE.. 15' feet away would struggle with it annually.

Rotffffffffffffffffffff re: bouncing on your can!! OMG...BEEN THERE DONE THAT! My last swan dive was when I was about 50 also...and if I e-v-e-r told my middle of the night "can bouncing" story no one would believe me!!! Your other disaster sounds like that was a set up for a MAJOR wreck. Glad you didn't get hurt any worse.'re off to A PHENOMENAL September! Maybe you should start a vacation thread and take us with you! Do you have a lap top? One of my friend in MO always takes me on vacation with her. She posts photos and links to the tourist attractions she's hit. It's fun and I love it!

Alllll insurance companies have what I now call "weasel clauses". If they CAN get out of paying for something...they WILL. Foremost insurance (my X-insurance co) is known to be neck and neck with another insurance company for the title of being the #1 WORST company FOR TRYING to get out of paying a legit claim ANY WAY THEY CAN. That's not anger speaking...that's what the attorney told me when he took my case. To replace what I had lost in my home (structure) I had hit the top of my insurance policy coverage for the house (basically I had a "cap" on my payout). Had that not happened they would have kicked in $$ to pay for some or all of the greenhouse. So... my policy had been maxed out just to get the house replaced. But...had those simple green house wind braces NOT been connected to the main house it would have fallen into the "out buildings" portion of my ins policy and it would have been covered. There was plenty $$$ left on the outbuilding portion of the ins policy. I had a great attorney and there was no getting around those FOUR braces. Ugh...

Another VERY WEAK area of my ins policy (I mean...really...who actually READS the fine print of their fire section?) - I never THOUGHT I'd lose my home to a fire. I had $2,500 coverage on debris removal and that actually cost closer to $19k when it was all said and done. Technically... only HALF the house burned they had to do some demolition on the remaining structure. THAT HURT financially!!! Anyhow... my blood pressure's going up...LOL Time to go back to happy thoughts about your gorgeous Zinna

Have a GREAT TIME!!!!!!!

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

I was writing while you posted... I need to move this post.....

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