clematis dying!!!!

Catonsville, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi, all. I live in Baltimore ,Md & this year I've had 3 clematis die on me! They are different species & in different locations. I'm not sure if it is because we had so much rain this Spring or what. Two just gradually browned & never bloomed.The other became pale yellow/green & has never really taken off despite fertilizing so I just cut it back & hope next year it will do better.
All are established vines. Has anyone else had any problems like this? Any suggestions? Thank you!

Delaware, OH

need more detail. what types, when did it occur? what was the weather. what did you feed? how old?
any pictures?

there are many variables, including weed killer in area, weather, type of plant. give some more detail and i am sure you will get some of out 2 cents worth of experience and more questions as well.

ps you did the right thing with the yellowish one. don't overwater now. a sickly looking plant is a sick plant and action should be taken.

Catonsville, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks, clematisguru. I'll have to check & see if I still have the markers for the clematis ( i did not find out about the different types & when to prune until I joined DG's 3 yrs ago!). The 2 that just browned are medium purple & usually bloom around this time-I had relocated them a few years back to grow against a picket fence but are at least 7-8 yrs old. The one that yellowed is an absolutely beautiful pink one that usually blooms all season & is 3 yrs old. Heads are in the sun & feet in the shade. As I stated before, we had a very wet, overcast, cool spring & June. (My climbing roses all got blackspot very badly & are now practically bare-any growth has been puny.) I usually use Miracle Grow but this year have used I believe Osmocote or something similar-I'm at work now so that's why I'm not certain. My instinct is to just cut them all back now & give them a rest before it gets too hot & dry. I'm very disappointed-I had visions of them sprawling through
my red & yellow climbers. the pink is separate but was climbing
beautifully along my fence & everyone commented on it's beauty & fullness.

Delaware, OH

i thought you already cut them back. cut them back asap, water regular basis but not overwater. in your zone, wait now to fertilize till sept. can't comment on why without more info, but sometimes the why is not important. take care of the plants and they will be back.

Catonsville, MD(Zone 7b)

Ok,- I only cut back two of them-will do the other. Yeah, I wish I could give more info but i really do not know their names. Thank you for your help!

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